Chapter 5: A Mere Annoyance

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This would be easy.

Being a member of the Empire, putting down rebellious worlds like these were just part of the routine.

They may be a match for her troops, but they would be no match for her. She would show no mercy.

She didn't care.

The Empire didn't care.

This rebellion had to be put down. They were terrorists, after all.

She thought back to when she had helped these rebels, back when she was a foolish Padawan.

She looked upon such times with disgust.

Why the kriff would I ever throw myself in with terrorists!?!? She thought.

She knew she'd have to kill them. They'd try to kill her, but to no avail. Heck, some of them might actually try to convince her she's on the wrong side.

But she made that decision long ago.

She served Vader now. She served the Empire now.

She was going down the right path. She had found her purpose.

She had no loyalties to any of the rebels or their leaders.

No allegiance to Onderon.

No allegiance to King Dendup.

No allegiance to Saw Gerrera (although he wasn't a part of this anymore, supposedly).

No allegiance to General Tandin.

But most importantly, no allegiance to Lux Bonteri.

That foolish boy, she thought, he wants me back, doesn't he?

She had known him well during the Clone Wars, and had saved his neck several times.

She was the reason he was still alive.

Now, she'd be the reason for his demise.

She knew he wanted her back. She knew it would break his heart when he saw her like this. 

But what was another heartbreak to her? She had seen all too many Jedi broken by seeing that she had turned to the Dark Side, only for them to wind up dead seconds later.

Whatever he tells you, she thought, it's just nonsense.

She would make sure the Imperial banner was raised high above Onderon, and that it's citizens would once again fall in line.

"Inquisitor," Captain Elias said, "coming up on Onderon now."

The ship exited hyperspace, and the planet came into view.

A good amount of ships were already in the planet's orbit. A blockade comprised mostly of Arquitens-class light cruisers was already brought around the planet. Add three Star Destroyers to the mix, and nothing was getting through without permission.

She smiled at herself. This was just going to be too easy.

A mere annoyance for someone who had already slain so many for the Empire.

"Inquisitor," said a voice from behind her.

It was a Purge Trooper Commander who went by the name of Commander Rubal.

"The troops are ready," he continued.

"Excellent," First Sister replied. "Let's get to work."

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