Chapter 21: An Odd Feeling

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First Sister walked down the prison hallways, heading back to the bridge, followed by her purge troopers.

That annoying brat. Why was he acting like he was in control? She slammed his head to the wall three times, and he had clearly taken a beating. He probably even got a concussion. Yet, for some reason, he still had the audacity to ask her questions and continue calling her "Ahsoka."

She just wanted to kill him, but he was more useful to them alive.

They left the prison area and entered the main hall.

Still, she couldn't help but feel thin nagging feeling towards him. Why the heck did she feel the need to go after him so badly? She felt like she wanted something from him, she just didn't know what. Of course, if she ever let that out to him, she would probably end up facepalming herself so hard that her hand would come out the back of her head. And if she didn't do that, someone would consider her loyalty to be wavering, and Vader wouldn't be happy with that.

She had tried to let some information out to him, though, in an attempt to neutralize the feeling. It did not work. She could go all out and give her the whole story, but again, if the Empire even thought for a moment, Vader was going to come over and kill her. Perhaps Captain Elias would just shoot her in the back right then and there if he thinks she's being treasonous. That is, if he wasn't too afraid to try it. Also, giving out the whole story was unlikely to help her and would probably just give Lux more leverage. She should've just walked back up to that annoying brat and slammed his head into the wall again.

She walked up to the doors to the bridge, and they opened in front of her, where Captain Elias was waiting.

"Good afternoon, Inquisitor," Elias said. "How is the mission on the surface going?"

"We captured Bonteri, but Tandin still eludes us," she said. "However, we have completely neutered the ability of the rebels to launch offensive attacks. Most attacks have ceased since we began reconsidering our tactics, and most rebel cells are on the defensive, Tandin's unit included."

"And what is the situation in the major urban areas?" Elias said.

"Most of them have been rooted out, but there are still reports of mysterious disappearances and the like that hint at rebel activity. Still, Iziz has never been safer since the foundation of the Empire.'

"And if you have Tandin on the run, then why not press the advantage and chase him?" Elias continued.

Odd. It wasn't like him to ask so many questions. Normally he was little more than a coward in her presence.

"He slipped away during a battle, and we've lost his trail. We have no leads on him, so we're seeing if we can get some information out of Bonteri."

"Okay... and you haven't been speaking of anything... personal with Bonteri, have you?"

And with that, she snapped.

She held him with a force-choke and slammed him against the wall.

Some people in the bridge panicked and cowered, but most of them continued as normal, as this was somewhat of a regular occurance.

"You are a fool, Elias!" She yelled. "How dare you ask me such questions!?"

He tried to speak, but to no avail.

First Sister let him go.

"Now, you will drop the subject, unless you want to say hello to Governor Gianturco."

"Lord Vader is aware of your past with Bonteri," Elias said. "If you even have the slightest thought of collaborating with him, then you know very well what the consequences are."

"You insubordinate fool!" She yelled, lifting him up with the force again and running towards him.

She grabbed his head and pounded it into the wall over and over and over again.

Now everyone was surprised and scared. Not even she was ever this brutal. She normally just choked someone and was done with it (which was what happened to her previous captain, who Elias was assigned to replace).

When she was done, she let go of him, and his dead body flopped to the floor.

"My loyalty is unwavering," she said to everyone in the bridge. "Make no such accusations against me or you will suffer the same fate!"

She stormed out of the room.

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