~The Inquisitorius~

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First Sister sat in the shuttle, approaching the Inquisitorius base on Coruscant. There, she would get to meet the rest of the Inquisitors, and maybe get an assignment.

The days following the rise of the Empire have been chaotic across the galaxy. Everyone was screaming their throat out, but whether it was in joy or anger was a different story alltogether.

The Emperor was able to centralize his power with little opposition from the Senate. So far as the Senate was concerned, this was necessary to prevent another Clone War-type conflict. Which it was, of course, but it also made way for the Sith to dominate the Galaxy once more, and finally execute the well-deserved revenge against Jedi across the Galaxy.

The shuttle touched down on the landing pad, and she walked off the ramp.

Clone Troopers stood in rows side-by-side in two rows facing the Inquisitor walking by.

Finally, it felt as if she had found the honor that she had lacked during her years of bondage to the Jedi. She was pretty much everybody's boss. She could do nearly absolutely anything she wanted and she could get away with it, so long as it wasn't anything treasonous. She knew things were always meant to be this way.

She walked through the doors to the base, and an escort of two Clone Troopers followed her inside.

Finally, she came to a large room. where there was a rather intimidating Pau'an wearing Imperial armor standing behind a circular desk with many chairs.

"First Sister, Welcome!" He said. "Take a seat."

"I take it you're the Grand Inquisitor," she said, taking a seat.

"I am indeed," the Grand Inquisitor replied, sitting down as well. "I heard that the title was originally meant for you, actually. Why did you turn it down?"

"I'm seventeen," First Sister replied. "And besides, I just want to kill Jedi."

"Don't we all?" the Grand Inquisitor replied. "Either way, I'm not complaining."

"Of course you're not. I'm the only reason you have that title. And just so you know, I am next in line."

"The Emperor made that very clear to me," the Grand Inquisitor said. "But I highly doubt I will be dead anytime soon."

"I never said I doubted you," First Sister said. The Grand Inquisitor was her superior, and it was important she showed respect to her chain of command.

"I never said you did either," The Grand Inquisitor replied.

There was a moment of silence.

"Just so you know, your loyalty is of utmost importance. Should you ever betray the Empire-"

"I will never betray the Empire. I have nothing to return to. And even if I did, would I try to go back to those blasted Jedi who betrayed me? Geez, a part of me almost wishes I had done that Temple bombing."

Then, a thought came to her.

"Where's Barriss?" She asked.

"What?" inquired the Grand Inquisitor.

"She could be valuable to us," First Sister continued. "She hates the Jedi just as much as we do."

"You are correct, but unfortunately, she died by her own hand a few days after her imprisonment."

That came as a sudden disappointment. First Sister thought that maybe she could make amends with Barriss, especially since they practically shared the same views on the Jedi. Not to mention the crush she used to have on Barriss that she would never admit to anyone if it meant her life.

"So... Tarkin wanted me dead, but didn't care to give the same treatment to Barriss?" First Sister asked, attempting to sound apathetic.

"Emperor Palpatine knew very well that she could become a useful asset, so he pulled some strings to ensure she wouldn't get the death penalty. However, her suicide was unforeseen and unfortunate."

"How did she do it?" First Sister asked.

"She went up to a security droid, then used the force to crunch some of it's primary systems. The droid suffered from sudden power overload and detonated, killing her instantly. Also, her death was on the news, how did you not know this?"

"I didn't follow the news much," First Sister replied. "I got tired of it. Too much bad stuff going on."

"That is a common occurrence, and I can understand that."

"Now, let's get back to the point," First Sister said. "What were you going to talk about before I changed the topic?"

"I want you to know that you and I are not the only ones who turned on the Jedi. We have more than a dozen warriors now, and our numbers only go up as we crack more of the Jedi traitors. We will become an army of unstoppable hunters."

"I don't intend to team up," First Sister replied. "I do things my own way. I'm not a lap dog."

"Well, sometimes being a 'lap dog' can be mutually beneficial. Sometimes."

"I won't disagree with you. If I get to kill a Jedi, that's all that matters."

"I like that attitude," the Grand Inquisitor complimented with a smile. "You will serve us well. Come with me."

The two walked out of the room and through a hallway, and then ended up in a large cubical room.

In the room was a meeting of Inquisitors, some of whom First Sister recognized. Sentient Beings from multiple species clad in Imperial armor.

"I'm guessing I get some of that armor, then?" First Sister replied.

"And a new saber as well-"

"Nope, not gonna happen," First Sister replied, looking at the odd semi-circle shaped lightsabers clipped to the blades of the other Inquisitors. "I don't know what kind of lightsabers these Inquisitors use, but I don't like them. I'm keeping my two blades, and my fighting style."

"That can be arranged," the Grand Inquisitor replied. "I have heard of your achievements, and your specific yet vastly effective fighting style. It would be a shame to put that to waste, now, wouldn't it?"

"You would be correct," First Sister replied. "Now where's the armor?"

The Grand Inquisitor walked over to a cabinet and opened it up, and in it was contained a set of red and black armor.

First Sister smiled to herself. It was going to look perfect on her.

"Do you request any modifications?" The Grand Inquisitor asked.

"No," First Sister replied. "It's perfect

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