Prologue: Long Fallen

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Coleman Kcaj had been an Ongree Jedi Master during to the Clone Wars.

Before the purge.

Before the rise of the Empire.

Now, it was dark times. He was now nothing more than a hermit in the woods of his homeworld Skustell.

The Empire was hunting him.

Or, he thought so, at least. It was only a matter of time.

If the Empire was efficient enough, they would know that Master Kcaj had not died by his clone troops, nor had he died during the raid of the Jedi Temple.

There were only a few things he clung to now, such as his lightsaber, or a holocron containing a message sent out by Obi-Wan Kenobi.

No matter how many times he looked at the message, he knew his time was coming to an end.

But today was different than that.

Today, he felt a sense of dread like no other. Despite his somewhat gloomy state recently, this was unusual.

Perhaps it was nothing. Or perhaps it was the force trying to tell him that the Empire had found him.

Either way, it happened all too fast for him to make an escape.

No patrols. No squadrons of Stormtroopers or Purge Troopers.

Only her.

At the most unsuspecting moment, she leaped from the shadows, igniting two red lightsabers, and giving Master Kcaj no more than a few seconds to ignite his lightsaber in a desperate attempt to block the effortless blows she dealt.

The assailant was quite obviously a Togruta, but her face was covered in a mask. She wore a black and red suit. She used the Jar'Kai saber fighting technique, with one normal blade and one shoto blade.

"Found you at last," said the assailant, her voice somewhat scrambled by the metal mask. "You would've been better off trying to hide in the crowd, Jedi."

"W-what are you?" Master Kcaj asked.

"Your doom," the assailant replied, kicking Kcaj right in the stomach.

He quickly stood back up, and used the force to quickly yank the assailants mask off of her head to try and get a better look at who she was.

He was shocked to find out who it was. He was also shocked he even knew who she was in the first place.

"Ahsoka Ta- unf!"

He was unable to finish his sentence, as the girl's lightsaber went right through his stomach.

"That name is dead," she said. "This is what you get for expelling me."

She turned off her lightsaber and the now-dead Jedi Master's body slumped to the ground.

"I'm going to have to make that mask a little tighter," she said, taking her mask out of the corpse's hands and putting it back on.

She then spoke into her commlink.

"Captain Elias, prepare for my arrival. The mission was a success. The Galaxy has one less Jedi."

A/N: Surprise! A completely independent story none of you saw coming!

This probably won't get updated as much as the Ahsoka Bonteri series (which this is NOT A PART OF), and will serve as a side-project. Originally I wanted to finish the Ahsoka Bonteri series before I made a new story, but that was going to take a while so I was like "Why the Kriff not."

Either way, I hope you enjoy.

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