Chapter 8: Trap!

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"The convoy will be here soon," Lux said, "Get moving!"

Him and his group of rebels slowly shuffled through the bushes towards the cleared-out path in the jungle the supply convoy was to pass through.

The Imperials were shockingly predictable. The rebels had struck convoys on several different locations along this route, yet they never changed anything up.

Still, Lux was better than to not expect the worst. If Governor Gianturco suddenly grew a brain, they were in for a kriff load of trouble.

They came up to just before the road.

"Convoy arrives in two minutes," said another rebel commander. "Load your weapons."

There was rustling as rebels cocked their blasters and loaded rocket launchers.

Lux loaded his own blaster.

He then heard the rumbling of vehicles approaching.

"I have visual contact," a rebel said.

"Right on time," Lux said.

They waited until the convoy was just about to where their location was.

"Detonators! Now!" Lux said.

The rebels threw detonators into the path. 

The AP5 Juggernaut that was leading the convoy was unlucky enough to be at the front of the convoy drove over the detonators, shredding the Juggernaut's wheels and bottom side, turning it into a roadblock.

"REBEL ATTACK!" An Imperial yelled.

The rebels emerged from the bushes, and began firing at the Stormtroopers.

It went about as well as it had the previous times.

Someone fired a rocket launcher at the front of one of the trucks, disabling it.

"Hey," Lux heard a voice from behind him.

It was Deni Tandin, the son of General Tandin, who was the leader of the Onderonian Royal guard.

"That truck's toasted," Deni said, "Go see what's inside!"

"On it," Lux replied.

He ran to the back of the truck and forced the back doors open, ready to start looting the truck for supplies.

Only it wasn't filled with supplies, it was filled with Stormtroopers and some type of black-armored Stormtroopers he hadn't seen before.

They cocked their blasters, and pointed them at Lux.

"Uh... hi," Lux said nervously.

Some of the black-armored troopers ignited electrostaffs.

Lux quickly dove to the side to avoid the load of blaster fire that quickly came his way. He then scrambled to the other side of the path.

"The trucks are loaded with Imps!" Lux yelled. "It's a trap!"

But it was too late. Soon, the group was overwhelmed by multiple troopers. Some rebels tried to hide in the bushes for cover, but stormtroopers armed with flamethrowers began to torch the forest.

"We're kriffed," Lux said, hiding behind the Juggernaut they blew earlier with a few rebels. "We've been set up big time, it can't get worse than this."

"Everybody run," yelled the rebel commander as Lux began to hear the rumbling of LAAT/le transports approaching. "They've got air support!"

"You really had to say it," said Deni.

The chaingun on the gunships mowed down the rebels as if they were livestock.

The battlefield was soon racked with explosions as detonators went off and some disabled Imperial vehicles started to blow up.

"We gotta find a way outta here," Deni said.

But there didn't seem to be any way out of here that wasn't either on fire or too overrun by Stormtroopers. They were caught between a rock and a hard place.

"Just gotta hope we can use our detonators to buy enough time to get out of here," Lux said.

Then, he heard a sound he thought he'd never hear again: lightsabers igniting.

Lux stopped dead in his tracks.

What the kriff!? Lux thought. Is that a Jedi coming to save us!? Or some Sith Lord coming to finish us off!?

He got his answer soon enough.

He watched as a figure quickly moved through the smoke, slicing her red lightsabers through the brave soldiers that dared stand against her. She ran over to and sliced through the rebel commander's chest with ease, and he dropped dead.

He looked at her in horror.

She was definitely a Togruta female.

Her fighting style was all too recognizable: Two blades, one shoto and one regular, held in reverse grip.

The figure looked back at him intensely. She was wearing a mask, but it still felt as if a pair of eyes had pierced his very soul.

"...No," Lux said.

"Let's move, we gotta kriffing move!" Deni said.

Despite the smoke and mask between them, their eyes locked regardless.

"You hear me? Let's go!"

"Right," Lux said, snapping out of it.

The other soldier grabbed him by the hand, and he threw a detonator into a crowd of Stormtroopers.

"Take cover!" a trooper yelled, as they ducked out of the way of the explosion.

But suddenly, Lux felt as if he was being pulled back.

"Ack!" he exclaimed.

"Lux, what are you doing!?" Deni yelled, trying to pull him away.

"I'm not doing anything!" Lux yelled.

He looked over at the figure, who had her hand extended out towards him, her other hand gripped firmly to one of her lightsabers.

She was trying to pull him in.

Lux and Deni struggled, but it was no use. They kept getting drawn in.

Finally, Deni pulled out and threw another detonator and the Togruta gave up the pull to shove the detonator back at them. Thankfully, they just barely managed to escape and run away.

They ran and blasted their way through some Stormtroopers, and then ran into the bushes with a few other rebels. The Imperials sent a flamethrower squad after them, burning the jungle behind them. However, they eventually gave up the pursuit, as not even the overkill forces of the "supply convoy" could persue them into the jungle.

They ran for what seemed to be hours. Finally, they stopped at an old, worn-down stone house.

Lux laid up against the wall, and so did a lot of other rebels.

"How many of us are left?" Deni yelled.

There were a few "Ayes" and raised hands, all quite demoralized.

"Well," Lux said, "I think that could've gone a lot better. like, a lot better."

"No kidding," Deni said, sitting next to Lux. "'Turco got us big time, if that was even him."

He sighed. Governor Gianturco had set them up, and it worked magnificently. He never thought the stubborn Governor and his cohorts could pull off that kind of trap. That was, assuming he was the one behind it, which, now that Lux thought about it, was unlikely.

"Hey," Deni said, after a pause. "That... that Togruta back there... do you think that was-"

"No," Lux said. "It's not her. It can't be. She would never."

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