Author's Note

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Hello guys!

So yeah, that's this one fic done. I've still yet to decide whether this will be a standalone, or if this will receive a sequel or be continued in another way. Either way, this was quite enjoyable to write, and I'm glad to have finally finished something after the sequels upon sequels of my other series.

So what now? Well, I'll probably start pre-writing book 6, and oh boy, it's gonna be a biggie. Might even need to split it up into 2 parts if it gets too big. And it'll start getting more ambitious, especially when we start getting to [DATA EXPUNGED].

I'm also thinking of making a "Prequels good ending" fic. Although if that happened, I'd probably have a hard time coming up with The Problem™ That everyone would have to face. And yeah, Ahsoka would still be the center of it all.

Still, this whole thing was just a side project while I was working on my other series, which I was then able to complete more quickly due to the wait period between Book 5 and Book 6.

And remember the Author's Note from Book 5 when I said I was hooked on DOOM 2016? Yeah, well since then, I've completed both that and DOOM Eternal (+DLCs), did another Jedi: Fallen Order playthrough, got hooked on Star Wars: The Old Republic and some mods for Empire at War, working on some Fortnite grinds before the season ends (the "Dare" part of my username actually comes from a Fortnite skin, if you can believe that). And yeah, that(and mindless media consumption) normally ends up eating my free time, which leads to long waits between chapter uploads. Though this has nothing to do with the Book 6 delay, since that's due to the fact I'm waiting for some covers I've commissioned.

Either way, I'll be pre-writing Book 6 soon. If I'm an idiot and click the "Publish" button and something leaks, please, PLEASE do not read it!

That's all for now, and I'll see you soon.

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