Chapter 16: Inbound

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First Sister's gunship landed as close to where the rebels were last sighted as possible. In the middle of the jungle, it was hard to find somewhere to land.

"No signs of Rebel activity here," said Commander Rubal. "They must have packed up and left too quickly."

"Well then I want you to comb the jungle! You here me? Comb the jungle!"

"That won't be necessary," said a purge trooper from behind her.

First Sister turned around.

"Ans why would that be?"

The purge trooper swallowed a lump in her throat.

"Well- some sensors we set up near an abandoned mine were triggered earlier."

"Hmm, when did these sensors go up?"

"About a month ago," replied the trooper. "Gianturco wanted to check to see if there was rebel activities in aread like that. But of course, he never managed to send them on the run. Oh, that poor fool..."

"Indeed," First Sister replied. "Gianturco was a fool. But just this once, I'm willing to give him credit for his idea. He might have just cut our search down a few hours."

Then, she turned to the pilot.

"Get back in the air! Get to the coordinates of those sensors!" She yelled.

"Got it," the pilot said.

The gunship took back off.

Suddenly, First Sister got a headache. She put her hand up to her head.

"What's the matter?" Captain Rubal asked.

"Nothing. I just... think I might need some water or something."

"You sure?" Rubal said.

But First Sister was too focused on what she felt. It felt like... him. She almost felt as if she could just reach out and grab him.

"He's there," First Sister said. "He's in the mine."

"Inquisitor, are you okay?" Asked another trooper.

"Please tell me someone here has some water."

"We have some in the back," said Commander Rubal, "but we won't be able to bring it back until we land."

"I... I can feel him. Strongly. I don't know why, but it's giving me a headache. Normally my tracking abilities are on point, but something is just... wrong..."

That was the first time many of the troopers had seen their valiant leader show any sign of weakness whatsoever.

No words were spoken between them all for the rest of the flight.


Lux and the rest of the rebels reached the bottom of the Turbolift. It was a lrage, open cavern, with old mining equipment rotting and rusting from being left behind. The cave was still dimly lit by lights, which were likely connected to some part of the planet's main power grid, based on how they were all on.

"Shut this thing off," said Deni.

"On it," a soldier said, already working on shutting down the lift.

"Where's the nearest stash?" Lux asked.

"About half a standard kilometer down that tunnel, and in a little cavern to the right," said  General Tandin, who pointed down a certain tunnel.

"How long do you think we will be in here?" Lux asked.

"I don't know," Tandin replied. "If we're this far down, we probably won't be able to send out a signal to other rebel groups, or intercept that of the Empire's. I think that we may be down here for a few days at the very least, assuming the Imps don't cut our stay short."

Suddenly, Lux started feeling dizzy, and he leaned up against the wall.

"You okay, Lux?" Tandin asked.

"Probably same as you," Lux said, "tired from the run, that's all."

But in reality, he didn't know what it was. It was this burning, aching feeling in his head. It practically felt like he could feel...

"Ahsoka," he mumbled.

And then he fell unconcious.

"What the kriff was that?" Deni yelled.

Tandin began to look concerned.

"Dad, what is it?" Deni asked.

"She is coming," he said. "Run."

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