~The Purge~

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The time had come for the Jedi to fall.

She took a deep breath. She was eagerly anticipating enacting her revenge, but she knew very well she could very well face the potentiality of being outmatched or outnumbered.

Then again, she had her old master, now going under the name of Darth Vader, as well as a good portion of the 501st. Apparently, Palpatine had this whole thing planned out for decades, even going so far as to use inhibitor chips to ensure the full loyalty of the clones. Now how stupid did the Jedi have to be in order to not figure that out?

It was time. Vader and the 501st troops essentially marched in the front door, but she decided it was best if she sought another entrance, as she could easily pick off some Jedi who sought to avoid the obvious massive army marching towards them.

She wore a cloak and sped on her speeder towards an open hangar. All shielding and most power to the Temple had been cut off from afar by Palpatine and his allies, so breaking in would be a piece of cake.

She sped into the Hangar, heading straight towards a small fighter. Right before the speeder collided with the fighter, she jumped off, and the two vehicles blew each other to smithereens.

Nobody was present at the hangar, but she decided it was best to destroy these ships so nobody could escape using them.

She cut her lightsabers through the engines of the smaller spacecrafts, causing them to detonate. There was still a large ship, however, which was more than capable of carrying quite a few Jedi survivors: the Crucible, which had been rebuilt following an incident with some pirates. She was there when it happened.

But now, she had to blow it up. She stabbed one of its primary engines with her lightsaber. The engine overheated, and then exploded.

The ship itself was largely undamaged, but it wasn't going to get off the ground anymore, which meant that was one less escape route.

She walked towards the exit and turned back to look at the burning rubble she had left behind.

It had felt... good, finally being able to take her anger out on something.

But blowing up a pilgrim ship and a few snub fighters wasn't going to cut it. She desperately wanted to see a Jedi on his knees plea before her very eyes, trying to make amends for what they did to her, but it would be too little too late.

She walked into the temple and turned on her lightsabers.

Blasters and lightsabers faintly echoed through the walls, but the hall itself was pitch black, empty, and silent.

She slowly walked forward, the only light coming from her blue blades (Anakin had decided to mess with them for some reason).

And then, there were face-paced footsteps coming towards her.

Someone was coming.

They hurried down the hall to the hangar, but stopped dead in their tracks when they saw her.

Oddly enough, it was the same Jedi she had seen back in the slums of Coruscant when working with Rada.

"You're not going anywhere," she said.

"You," he replied, "What are you... who... I... I don't have time for this!"

He ran by her. She let him. She wanted to let him see that burning wreckage, knowing he won't get out.

He entered the hangar, and stopped the moment he saw everything burning in front of his eyes.

"Going somewhere?" She asked.

"You're... with them, aren't you?" He asked, reaching for his lightsaber. "I remember you. Ahsoka Tano, the name was?"

Looks like he was still oblivious to the fact they had also met at Rada's shop.

"You don't have to do this," he continued. "You get framed for something you didn't do and you're about to commit something ten times worse? Tell me how that makes sense!"

"Your pathetic Order tossed me aside like I was nothing," she said. "They all deserve what is coming for them now."

"What the kriff is wrong with you? I had trouble enough understanding why the clones would turn their back on you so suddenly, but you? I hardly knew you at all, but I knew from what I've heard about you that you were one of the brightest souls of the Jedi Order. Listen to me. You don't need to go down this path."

"Where else do I go?" she replied. "All the ships are gone. This hangar has nothing but rubble in it. And if I dare turn against them, I will die. So I joined them. And I will extend an offer for you to do the same."

"You've kriffing gone insane," the Jedi replied, grabbing and igniting his lightsaber. "If I have to get through you to survive, then so be it."

"I would strongly reconsider fighting me," she remarked. "Then again, it's not like I'm giving you a choice."

He charged at her. Her blades locked with his, and she kicked him back. He tried to regain his bearings, but she force-pushed him back with incredible strength against the wall, and his lightsaber flew out of his hands.

He tried to reach out and grab it with the Force, but she managed to do that before he could.

She stashed the lightsaber in her cloak.

"I think I'll be keeping this," she said.

The Jedi looked in horror.

"You sound like General kriffing Grievous," he said.

"I've fought that pathetic cyborg twice and lived. You never stood a chance."

She raised her lightsabers.

"No, please! I beg of you!"

"Oh how the tables turn," she said with a large, malicious grin.

She brought her sabers down on him, both stabbing him in the chest. He was killed instantly.

She shivered for a moment, and her now-de-activated sabers fell to the ground. She looked at her hands.

Blood. There was blood on her hands, blood splattered on her cloak, blood oozing out of the dead body in front of her.

But what was so different about this? This wasn't her first kill. If anything, it felt good to get revenge.

And with that, she picked her sabers back up and clipped them to her belt.

It was time to end some more pathetic Jedi.

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