Chapter 34: Goodbye, Onderon

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Ahsoka sat at a table in a small empty room, eating some food. Most of it was military rations and slices of assorted fruits.

With the Empire, she could basically eat whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted, so long as she stayed in shape (and if she didn't, they'd probably force her to). But now, things were different. Barring the fruit, she had hardly tasted food this bland since the days of the Republic.

Lux walked into the room suddenly, and Ahsoka flinched.

"Sorry, did I scare you?"

"Ugh, I couldn't even sense you approaching," she said. "I think it's going to be a while before I can become composed enough to fully control the Force again."

"That's not exactly what I asked, but that's good to know," Lux replied.

He pulled out some rations and sat down with Ahsoka.

"I talked with Tandin, Rubal, and Deni. They were hesitant to give up fighting the Empire, so they all decided they were going to try and see if they could hook up with Saw Gerrera's partisans. Also, they vowed they'd end themselves if they were ever captured, but they probably would have done that anyways."

"Not a bad idea," Ahsoka replied. "I was twice assigned to capture Saw. Both times, we were led right into a dead end. It's like he's impossible to pin down. Just when you think you've got him, he's already on the other side of the Galaxy, and all that's left of him is a few pitiful soldiers who decided that this one specific planet in particular simply couldn't be abandoned."

"I haven't seen him in years," Lux said. "Not since he left Onderon. Sometimes he leaves us a holo, though. I think he appreciates that there are some still fighting to keep his homeworld alive. And to think he deemed Onderon a lost cause..."

"Onderon's not the only world in the Galaxy," Ahsoka said. "I know how the Empire operates. There are things happening on other worlds that make the Empire's exploitation of Onderon look like child's play. They may need Saw's help more than we do. And clearly, up until now you've been able to fend for yourselves. Unfortunately, things can only go so well before Darth Vader gets involved..."

"Ahsoka, how much are you afraid of Darth Vader?" Lux asked.

Ahsoka sighed.

"I don't want to tell you. I can't tell you. He would kill you if he knew you knew."

"He'll kill me anyways," Lux responded.

"Good point," Ahsoka admitted. "Lux... he's my former master. No, I mean- well, of course he was my master when I was an Inquisitor, but I don't mean it like that. He's... he's Anakin Skywalker."

Lux's jaw dropped so hard, it may as well have been one of those funny moments on a holoreel show where a skeleton drops it's jaw and it falls to the floor.

"I know," Ahsoka continued. "it's a lot to process. Especially after what you had to do to get to me. Believe me, it's no less painful for me than it is for you. And I know he's gonna be the end of us if we don't leave. We're running out of time."

"Well, where were you thinking we could go?"

"We won't be able to go near any major urban areas. Those places are crawling with Stormtroopers. If they recognize an ex-Inquisitor and an ex-Senator, that's game over. We have to go somewhere remote."

"What about Hutt Space? Anything goes there, and it's not like Hutt thugs will recognize you."

"Not the worst idea," Ahsoka replied. "My best idea was Kiros, but some of the inhabitants might recognize me from the Clone Wars. Hold on, got a map? I think I have an idea of where I want to go."

"Sure thing," Lux replied, handing her a datapad.

Ahsoka pushed a few buttons to bring up a map of the known worlds of the Galaxy.

"There," Ahsoka said. "Hollastin system. Minor trade world. One or two urban areas, the rest is mainly forest or farmland. It's like Tatooine, but not a desert wasteland. Imperial presence there is essentially zero and if the Hutts were going to turn it into some industrial hellscape, they'd have done so already. I doubt the local Daimyo cares too much to bother isolated farmers. Again, like Tatooine."

"I'm sorry, but I know absolutely nothing about Tatooine," Lux replied. "But I do get what you're saying."

Whoops. Ahsoka had heard so much about Tatooine from Anakin and Obi-Wan that she failed to realize it was just a desert rock nobody cared about.

"Either way, I was thinking, maybe we could pick up a few droids and start a farm," Ahsoka continued. "Just you and me."

"farming? A woman of your talents?"

"I don't have much of a choice," she kept continuing. "it's not like there's any way I could work to dismantle the Empire from some farm on Hollastin."

The door opened, and Tandin came through.

"Actually, I know someone who can help you with that," he said.

"Oh my gosh, knock!" Ahsoka said. "And I never said I wanted to help dismantle the Empire, at least not for a while."

"Well, where are you two headed?"

"Hollastin system," Lux said.

"Okay, then I'll have this someone waiting for you there. I can't risk the Imperials tracing the holocall. Speaking of which, you need to get going as soon as possible. We've intercepted another holocall from Tarkin that says he wants to blockade this planet, and Vader himself wants to come here. Also, I've decided not to wipe that medical droid's memory banks. Instead, I will leave it in your hands."

"Hey, that's actually a good idea," Lux said. "But what about credits? We need credits."

Tandin handed Lux a pouch, obviously filled with credits.

"This should help you get settled down," Tandin continued. "Anything else you may need will be supplied by our contact."

"Did you tell him about me?" Ahsoka asked.

"Yes, but I trust him with my life," Tandin replied.

Ahsoka frowned, and her face was that of clear disapproval.

"I said I trust him with my life," Tandin restated. "And I wouldn't tell him about you unless I knew for certain he wouldn't give it away. As for the rebellion, I am afraid I will likely not be able to give much reason for our departure, but I'll make sure they know to lay low from now on.  There's a speeder out back. Take it to these coordinates, we have a shuttle there. Use it to get to Hollastin. Good luck."

There was a pause.

"Lux," he continued, "this might be the last I ever see of you. Just remember: keep fighting for what you know is right, no matter what. Just as you have done here for Onderon. And just as you have done for her."

They both looked at Ahsoka.

Lux reached his hand out, and Ahsoka grabbed it.

They looked deeply into each others eyes and smiled, and at that moment, Ahsoka realized it was all going to be okay.

"Sorry I can't help you, and sorry I have to leave so soon," Ahsoka said.

"I know," Tandin replied. "This is better for all of us."

There was more silence between them.

"Time is of the essence," Tandin continued. "You must leave now."

Ahsoka nodded.

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