~The Chosen One~

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"First Sister, please report to the landing pad to meet the Emperor, immediately."

That voice came on the intercom. Why was she being called to see Palpatine when she just saw him?

No matter, she went up to see him either way. The Emperor's wish was her command.

She went out onto the landing platform, and saw a shuttle land. The Emperor walked down the ramp, but he seemed a little... spooked.

It didn't take too long to find out what spooked him. Behind him was a charred body being rolled out on a hovering platform.

"No," First Sister said to herself.

The Emperor walked towards First Sister.

"Lord Vader is in critical condition," Palpatine said. "We will need to apply drastic surgical procedures in order to maintain him."

"He's still alive?" First Sister asked.

"Held together by nothing more than sheer will and hatred," Palpatine replied. "Come, we must move quickly!"

His body was quickly rushed to the medical bay, but First Sister was instructed not to enter. She waited outside the room for what seemed like hours.

Finally, Palpatine walked back out.

"He will live," he said. "But it will be some time until the procedure is complete."

"What, are you going to turn him into General Grievous?" First Sister replied.

"Not precisely, but his new suit must serve the same purpose: to keep him alive."

"That does make sense. And if he doesn't live?"

"No, he will survive. It is as I have foreseen it, and it is what the droid operators have confirmed."

"Fine, but I am still curious. Things could still go wrong. He could be so ashamed of himself he decides to end his own life."

"While I am certain that will not happen, I will have to find a... new apprentice, should he die. As is tradition. And before you continue asking me questions, First Sister, that apprentice may not necessarily be you."

"What makes you think I was going to ask you that?" First Sister replied.

"Well... it was obvious," Palpatine replied, in one of the rare instances where something he said could be taken as humorous.

"What of the worlds that won't accept Imperial control?" First Sister asked, changing the subject.

"That is for administrators like Tarkin to handle."

Tarkin. That old prune that wanted her dead.

"I know you have a... poor relationship with Tarkin after what he did to you. But I assure you, he is a useful asset to our Empire, and should be treated as such."

"Fine," she replied. "I won't kill him."

"I sure do hope so," Palpatine replied. "For your own sake."

"One last question," First Sister asked. "What the kriff happened to Lord Vader?"

"He was confronted and struck down by his old master, Obi-Wan Kenobi."

"I should have gone with him," First Sister replied. "Together, we could have-"

"He was sent there to confront the Separatist council, not Master Kenobi." Palpatine said. "Your presence was not needed for that.

The door opened behind him, and a droid came through.

"The procedure is almost complete, sir."

"Wait out here," Palpatine said.

The door closed behind him.

She waited a few minutes. Maybe even an hour, or more. She guessed "almost complete" was relative.

Then, she was shocked by rumbling, and fell to the floor. The building itself was shook to its core, the walls themselves feeling like there was something tugging at them, trying to pull them into collapsing. It felt as if a force of pure hatred and anger was about to squish the building like a tin can.

Finally, it stopped, but not before an ear-piercing yell could be heard.


It was nearly horrifying.

Finally, after another long wait that may have lasted hours, Palpatine stepped out of the room again, this time with a dark, menacing figure clad in black armor and a cape behind him, with the sound of his mechanichal breathing filling the halls.

Khoo... pshh...

Khoo... pshh...

Khoo... pshh...

First Sister looked at him. There was a hint of honest worry and concern in her facial expression, as if she had just lost an old friend.

She quickly shook the expression. She could not show weakness. Ever.

Not a word was spoken between the two.

She wanted to say something to maybe comfort with him, or applaud him for his valiant work and unfortunate sacrifice for the Empire. But she was too afraid of it being taken the wrong way.

Vader, on the other hand, likely didn't want to seem weak in front of his master, or he was just so ashamed of himself and hated himself with every fiber of his being that he couldn't muster a response.

Khoo... pshh...

Khoo... pshh...

Khoo... pshh...

"M-My lord," First Sister asked Palpatine, "what would you like me... and, maybe him... to do now?"

"I see..." Palpatine said. "First Sister, you are to report to the Grand Inquisitor immediately to begin your training. As for Lord Vader and I, well... that's not anything you should worry about."

She looked at Vader, then to Palpatine. Then, Vader looked to Palpatine, and back at First Sister.

"It... will be done, my Lord."

Then, Vader finally spoke up.

"You must ensure the Jedi go extinct," he said, in a deep, robotic-sounding voice. "They must pay..."

His hands clenched into fists.

"That was already my goal to begin with," First Sister replied. "And I'll make certain that the moment I get a lead on that traitor Kenobi's whereabouts, you will be the first to know."

"That would be most desirable," Vader replied. 

"Go now, First Sister," Palpatine said, breaking up the conversation. "You have much work to accomplish."

"I understand, My Lord," First Sister said, bowing, and then walking away.

A Hero Lost: A Star Wars AUWhere stories live. Discover now