Chapter 30: Draw Her Out

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Rubal was a pretty good pilot. He did manage to best the FIrst Sister in starfighter combat, after all.

However, that was only while he was in a cockpit.

While he was sturdy as a rock sitting on the Ruping, he couldn't help but be nervous about being exposed this high up in the air.

"You good?" Deni asked him.

"Yeah, just first-time jitters, that's all," Rubal replied. "I guess it's not really feasibly possible to be taught how to deal with every documented beast in the galaxy, huh?"

"You mean you never learned anything about reptavian fauna at all?" Deni continued.

"I was taught to be a ruthless killer, not a pet-keeper," Rubal replied.

"You don't seem so ruthless to me."

"Is that a compliment?" Rubal asked.

"I guess," Deni replied. "Hold on, we should be able to see the fuel depot from here."

He flew upwards a little, and Rubal could see it: An Imperial fuel depot, with multiple landing pads and fuel silos. There were turrets all around the perimeter, as well as the AT-AT walker they were going to have to commandeer.

There was already active fighting going on, as some of the ground forces had already reached the depot and were already trying to pick off some of the defenses from the Jungle.

"Alright, we're going in," Deni said.

"I know Imperial walkers a lot better than I know these beasts," Rubal said. "Trust me."

"You're an ex-Imp, of course I trust you to know these things. But I don't fully trust you period, you still gotta earn that."

"Your friend owes me his life," Rubal replied.

"I'm gonna ask you to cut it right there, we're approaching the walker. brace!"

They got closer and closer to the walker as the sound of Imperial alarms blaring got louder.

Finally, the Ruping landed on the walker with a thump.

Deni and Rubal dismounted the Ruping and quickly drew their blasters.

"Scram!" Deni yelled to his Ruping, which then flew off of the walker.

There was a stormtrooper that was unfortunate enough to open the ceiling hatch while Deni and Rubal were right above it.

Deni shot him right in the head.

Rubal caught the falling hatch before it could close, just so it wouldn't get sealed.

"Try and take control of this thing," Deni said. "I'll deal with the troopers in the back,"

"Well, you have to deal with the troopers in the back in order to get to the cockpit."

"Okay, then we deal with it together."

"Alright," Rubal replied, hopping into the hatch.

Once inside the walker, they saw three Scout Troopers waiting for them.

They drew their weapons, but by the time they did, it was too late, they had already fallen to blaster fire.

"Nice job," Deni said.

"Like we said, not gonna be many people in here. If this walker was being used for offensive purposes instead of defenses, I probably wouldn't be able to say the same."

"Well, let's get to the cockpit."

The cockpit door was right behind them. It hadn't been locked, so it was safe to assume the pilots had no idea what was going on.

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