Chapter 1: Another One Down

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She walked through the woods as silently as she had when she first arrived. A few miles later, she came up on her destination: her TIE/IN Interceptor.

It was a fragile, yet extremely powerful and agile vehicle.

Now if only someone figured out how to cram a hyperdrive and shields into something that small, it would be perfect.

There was no need for any sort of scaffold to climb on, she simply jumped straight to the top of the ship and into the hatch.

She hopped into the ship's cockpit, took off her mask, and turned it on. The ship hovered above the ground and bolted into the sky.

As she left the planet's atmosphere and reached space above Skustell, she approached her destination: The Dominix, the Imperial-class Star Destroyer that had been left under her command. Captained by Captain Elias, and the operating base of her feared 332nd legion.

She was also given command of the Megathron and Hyperion, two more Star Destroyers. She was one of the few people in the Empire powerful enough to be able to single-handedly order the seizure of a planet and come out successful.

Her TIE interceptor entered and landed in the hangar of the Dominix.

She jumped out of the fighter's cockpit. She never bothered putting the mask back on. It was only something she did around anyone she was fighting, so they wouldn't know who she is. 

Or, rather, who she was.

She found her real face to be much more intimidating. She had gained a small scar on her left cheek from her first mission as an Inquisitor, and her eyes glowed bright yellow with hatred. 

And they were cold, unrelenting, and without mercy.

Just like her.

Everyone in the hangar bay was either looking right at her, or trying to avoid eye contact.

She steadily strode through the halls of the Dominix with two Purge Troopers by her side. She never said a word, and everyone knew that if they made one wrong move, they would be on the ground dead within seconds.

She entered the ship's bridge.

"Good day, Inquisitor," said Captain Elias, who was waiting for her.

The Inquisitor pulled out the late Jedi Master's lightsaber and threw it on the desk.

"Another one down," she said. "I expected much more from someone who sat on the Jedi High Council, yet they died in mere seconds."

"I'm... assuming Lord Vader wishes to hear about your success," Captain Elias responded.

"Well, It's surprising how little a fight the target put up," she replied. "Shame, really."

"I'm sure Lord Vader would be happy to hear that," he said. "You really have improved, if I do say so myself."

"Thank you," she said, "but I must contact him now."

"Very well," said the Captain. "Go on, then."

The Inquisitor used the force to grab Master Kcaj's old lightsaber, and put it back under her cloak.

She walked into the room with the holographic transmitter. She closed the doors, and turned off the lights.

She pushed a few buttons, then took a kneeling position.

The image of her master, Darth Vader, appeared as a hologram.

"First Sister," Vader said, in his mechanical voice. "It would seem that you have already succeeded in your mission?"

"Indeed, Master," First Sister replied. "The former Jedi Master put up a futile effort."

"Excellent work," Vader said. "You have proven yourself a useful tool to the Empire yet again."

It was a shame Vader was in the state he was in now, really. All he had to do was just take her to Mustafar with him, but no, it was just too personal for him.

It was personal for her, too. She wishes she could have helped Vader win, and watch as Obi-Wan helplessly burned in the lava rivers of Mustafar.

Oh well, at least Lord Vader wasn't going to make a mistake like that again.

And besides, if something... tragic happened to him or the Emperor, she knew she'd make a good replacement for Vader's current position. She was already very powerful, and has proven her worth--and her loyalty.

"Are there any more targets?" First Sister asked.

"There are none," Vader replied. "You are killing them faster than we can find them."

"Good," Ahsoka said. "Keep me informed if another Jedi comes up, or if another planet needs to be reminded who it should be loyal to."

"Very well," Vader said. "I will let you know when I have an assignment for you."

"As you wish, Master," she said, as the transmission ended.

She didn't have the same relationship with him as they had when they were both still slaves to the Jedi, but that was probably because she was still somewhat of a reminder of that past. He always made sure she was kept busy.

She couldn't blame him. She felt the same way.

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