Chapter 12: Good Riddance

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First Sister's transport ship landed on the landing platform at the command center.

The door opened, and she walked out, along with some Purge Troopers.

Governor Gianturco was on the catwalk leading from the landing pad to the building, waiting for her.

"How was the assault?" asked the Governor.

"It went a lot better than anything you could have done," said First Sister, not even bothering to make eye contact with the governor.

"But, ma'am-"

"You should know better than to speak up like that, Governor," First Sister replied. "You are one misstep away from your own demise, which I will thoroughly enjoy."

"T-that won't be necessary," said the governor, who was starting to follow First Sister.

"I am growing tired of your antics," First Sister continued. "How many times must I tell you to shut your mouth!?"

There was no response from the Governor.

"That's what I thought," she continued.

She walked into the command center and to the command room.

Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and looked at her.

"The attack was a success," said First Sister, "But Bonteri still lives. Deploy as many probe droids as we can. I want this entire planet scouted for rebel hideouts."

"So that Bonteri kid is the one behind all this?" asked an officer.

"He's certainly one of them," First Sister continued. "But he's certainly not alone. We dealt a sizeable blow to these traitors, but if I know anything about them, their perseverance is unmatched. We must bleed them dry."

"First Sister?"

She turned around to see the Governor.

"What is it now!?" She asked.

"The resources you keep requesting, the walkers, the troops, the weapons, we don't have all that available to us-"

"Are you serious!?" First Sister yelled. "I personally saw to it that we got these resources for Coruscant! Now stop bugging me or the consequences will be severe."

"I've had enough of your power grabs, Inquisitor," said Governor Gianturco. "I have been given this post by the Emperor himself! I am in charge here, not you-"

His rambling was stopped when he found himself unable to breathe. His hands went to his neck as he desperately gagged for air, but to no avail. He collapsed to the floor.

"I warned you," said First Sister, her hand in a firm force-chokehold.

Then, the gagging stopped, and the governor fell lifeless.

"Good riddance," she mumbled to herself.

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