Chapter 6: A Word with the Governor

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Governor Gianturco and two of his Stormtroopers stood out on the landing pad during the night at the Imperial Command Center on Onderon, watching the rather intimidating Zeta-class shuttle descend.

Only some of the Empire's most highest-ranking officials were allowed to pilot anything other than the standard Lambda or the Zeta-class heavy cargo shuttles (not to be confused with the shuttle in front of him right now). Even Gianturco himself wasn't allowed any advanced shuttles.

The shuttle landed in front of him, and the ramp lowered.

Out of the shuttle came a female Togruta Inquisitor, escorted by two baton-wielding Purge Troopers.

"I-Inquisitor!" He said. "I... Uh, only recently got word that you and your legion would be arriving on Onderon. I assure you, uh, we've been dealing with the rebels as-"

"Silence," First Sister said. "I don't need any more helpless babbling from another Governor. If you mean to tell me that you have this little insurgency under control, then I surely wouldn't be here right now, would I?"

"Well," said the Governor, "I guess you could help expedite the demise of the-"

"Stop the blabbering nonsense," said the Inquisitor, giving him a sharp glare. "I have been informed that the situation has gotten out of your control. Is that correct?"

"Not at all, Inquisitor," he said. "I, uh- Agh!"

He suddenly found himself unable to breathe as he was suddenly pulled towards First Sister, who then grabbed him in a chokehold (though that was likely just to be dramatic, as he was already being force-choked).

The Governor's troopers immediately raised their blasters at the Inquisitor.

"So you're saying that Lord Vader and Grand Moff Tarkin lied to me by saying that this insurgency was something I should deal with, and that I should trust the words of another one of you blabbering fools?" Said First Sister, a harsh tone in her voice.

Governor Gianturco was obviously only able to reply to the Inquisitor by making a series of struggling grunts.

"Let him go," said one of the Stormtroopers. "You know this would look bad on you, right?"

"And in what position are you in to give me orders, trooper?" said First Sister, dropping the Governor anyways.

"Well, I mean..." he replied, "You... did as I asked, so..."

"Could you people PLEASE JUST STOP TALKING," Blurted the Inquisitor. "I am surrounded by IDIOTS!"

There was nothing but silence.

"Listen here," she continued, turning to the Governor, and leaning down on him, still on the floor gasping for air. "I am to be in charge of all Imperial operations against these rebels, effective immediately. Do you understand?"

"I... assure you-"

"DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?" Yelled First Sister.

"Y-yes," replied Governor Gianturco.

It seems that it had finally dawned on him that maybe it wasn't such a good idea to give orders to an angry Inquisitor.

"Very well then," continued First Sister, "And I assure you, the Emperor already knows of your failures. There is no use trying to hide them."

Governor Gianturco found himself unable to reply as First Sister strode into the Command Center.

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