~The Odd Droid~

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Ever since the... incident... Ahsoka hadn't been the same.

She had been forced to hide and then burn the dead body of the thief she killed. If Coruscant Police found the dead body with any fingerprints or biomass on it that could lead them to her, Tarkin would probably personally want to douse her in oil and then set her aflame.

Her actions had left a scar on her mental well-being, and had sent an already-depressed Ahsoka into a state of mental shock. She was beginning to think the world would probably be a better place without her. Nobody was there for her anymore. Not Anakin, Obi-Wan, Plo Koon, Captain Rex, or even her old droid friends like R2-D2 and R7-A7. She was completely and utterly alone, with only Rada to act as some sort of company every once in a while, and he paled in comparison to her old friends.

She sat at her bed, crying. Nothing was left for her.

"Why... just why would they leave me for dead? They just tossed me aside... why?" She said to herself.

"Because they do not care about you. Or anyone."

"What!?" Ahsoka said, eyes darting around. "Who said that!?"

Her eyes landed on a silver Protocal Droid that had walked into her compound.

"Who are you!?" Ahsoka asked the droid.

"That is irrelevant," the droid said. "But I know just who you are, Ashla. Or should I say, Ahsoka Tano."

Ahsoka's heart felt like it was about to pound out of her chest so violently it would become a projectile that would rip the droid's head clean off it's body.

"Obviously, you are quite alarmed," the droid said.

"Yeah, no kriff," Ahsoka responded. "Now who the kriff sent you here?"

"I cannot say." The droid replied.

"And why are you here?" Ahsoka continued.

"Because I know what you want."

"You're sounding very suspicious for a droid," Ahsoka replied.

"If you value the secrecy of your identity, and your... crimes... you will listen to everything I have to say."

"What?" Ahsoka was startled.

Great, the droid somehow knew about what she had done. If she wasn't worried before (which she was), then she certainly was now.

She really just wanted to go feral, rip the droid to shreds, and give it the same treatment as that thief.

On the other hand, she was also scared for her life.

"Alright, just tell me who sent you," Ahsoka said. "Then I'll listen to you."

"Sorry, but I will not accept such negotiations. You have no leverage, so do not act like it."

"Fine," Ahsoka said. "At least don't tell anyone about this."

"That was already what I was planning to do," the droid said.

"Alright, spit it out, then."

The droid began playing a prerecorded audio file, with no sort of hologram attatched.

"Ahsoka Tano, is it? I do hope you are recieving this message."

The voice was quite malicious, yet oddly familiar.

"Both of us are well aware of what the Jedi have done to you. Why would they ever cast aside someone with such potential as you? I give you an offer. You can stop living on the streets and get revenged on those who have wronged you. Something is going to happen, Ahsoka. The Clone Wars will end, and the day of the Revenge of the Sith draws ever closer. You will tell nobody you heard this. You will know when it is nearly at hand when the Separatists will launch an ultimately futile assault on this planet. Soon after, the Separatist war effort will fall apart once the final pawns, Count Dooku and General Grievous, have been swept under the rug. If you accepr my offer, you will have your revenge, and unfathomable power in a new Galactic Empire. Wait at the attached coordinates if you wish to accept this offering. But if you refuse. Keep in mind that I know exactly where you are right now, and I will stop at nothing to bring an end to you. It is your choice, Tano."

The recording ended.

Already, it had sent Ahsoka into internal turmoil.

"Leave... now," Ahsoka said, attempting to feign composure.

"I did not make this offer," the droid said. "However, I do see a very high statistical advantage in accepting it. Not to mention the odds of you dying versus surviving if you deny the offering are eight-thousand-one-hundred-and-eight-"

"GET OUT!!" Ahsoka said, using the force to shove the droid against the outdoor wall, damaging it.

"To one." the droid continued. "I would not like to test those margins-"

Ahsoka's door slammed shut.


The droid walked back through the streets of Coruscant and onto the speeder that it took.

It was just another droid, after all. What use was it for some thugs to spontaneously attack it?

It went back to where it came from: The Senate building.

Immediately after arriving, the guards took notice.

"You," said one of the Clone Guards, "Aren't you the Chancellor's droid!? Why are you all beat up?"

The droid made some hand gestures to imply that it's vocabulator was broken.

"Oh my... let's get this thing back to the Chancellor, Pronto!"

The droid was escorted back to the Chancellor's office.

When the door opened, the Chancellor immediately looked in their direction.

"Chancellor Palpatine," the clone said, "your droid showed up at the entrance with a speeder and some minor damage. Seems like it's vocabulator was busted too."

"Why, what happened?" Palpatine asked.

"I have no clue," the Clone guard replied. "I highly recommend you get this thing fixed up immediately so we can determine that."

"I'll let the Engineering department know right away," the Chancellor continued. "Now leave us."

"Very well," said the guard, nodding his head and walking out of the room.

A few seconds later, the droid looked back at the Chancellor.

"Don't tell me she actually broke your vocabulator," Palpatine asked.

"No," the droid replied. "Ahsoka got the message, my lord."

A malicious smile grew on the Chancellor's face.

"Good," he said. "Good. Now, this better be worth it."

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