~The Mistake~

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It was another day in the slums of Coruscant.

Ahsoka sat on her bed, reminiscing about her past, her accomplishments, and her mistakes.

It angered her, just why they kicked her from the Order, and almost had her executed.

And yet she always had to suppress that anger. Mainly because she didn't have anything to take it out on, but also because there was the danger of succumbing to the Dark Side.

But the more she stayed down here, the more she grew angry at the bickering Senate and hypocritical Jedi Order for not doing something to help all these people. Why couldn't people just make the right descisions?

It angered her.

She sighed, and decided it was best to take a walk.

She left her little room and took a stroll down the streets of Coruscant.

Everywhere she looked, there was some sort of disorder. A speeder chase drove by. A young Twi'lek woman chasing a Gotal male who had stolen her wallet. Poor citizens sitting on the side of the streets.

Even going on her walks, she felt she couldn't let out her stress anymore. She felt so angry, and she knew she shouldn't.

She then found herself walking past a large holoprojector, likely some news announcement.

"In war news," the figure on the holoprojector said, "Anaxes has now been fully ridden of Seperatist holdouts as the Outer Rim sieges continue. The Seperatist war machine shows signs of slowing down, and many within the Senate predict that the war will soon be over."

"About time," Ahsoka mumbled to herself. "Maybe after the war, the Jedi can actually go back to bring keepers of peace."

"I feel you," said a man next to her, who apparently heard her. "Kriffing Jedi. They keep saying they're keepers of the peace, and then do stuff like this."

Ahsoka didn't care much to socialize, so she just walked away.

Ugh, she thought, I'm heading back. I've seen enough.

The sooner she got offworld the better, as this place was just making her more and more angry as time went on.

She headed back to her place.

But when she got to the door, she saw it was open.

Kriff, she thought. I forgot to lock it!

She went into the room, but what she saw there wasn't good.

There was a Gotal male, with a few of the room's objects in his hands.

He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at Ahsoka.

And she was mad. Very mad.

"Eh... you see nothing," he said.

"I leave my room unlocked for ten minutes and a thief shows up."

"Well then ya should've locked the door," he replied.

Ahsoka clenched your fists.

"Get out now, and drop the items."

"Yeah? And what are you going to do about it?"

Ahsoka was fuming.

And then, she ran up to the Gotal and let out her anger.

She tried to roundhouse-kick him in the face, but he dodged it. It was then followed by a series of punches and kicks from Ahsoka's incredibly agile fighting style. Most of them hit the Gotal. The Gotal put up more of a fight than she had originally thought he would, but he was no match for the sheer might of Ahsoka Tano.

"Hehe," he said "Ya know, ya fight a lot like those combat training droids. Except you've gone feral and you're like five times tougher than-"

Ahsoka kicked him in the stomach.

"Do not compare me to some droid!" She yelled.

And then, she completely and utterly snapped, putting her hands in a chokehold.

The Gotal found himself floating in midair, unable to breathe. He was ferociously grabbing at his neck.

"W-What the-" He managed to creak out.

Then, there was an audible cracking sound, and the Gotal fell limp.

Ahsoka, quickly regaining control of herself, realized now what she had done.

the Gotal dropped to the floor.

He was dead. Ahsoka had broken his neck.

And things, thoughts, and emotions rushed through here like never before.

"What... What have I done? WHAT HAVE I DONE!?!?"

A Hero Lost: A Star Wars AUWhere stories live. Discover now