Chapter 20: Interrogation

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Lux awoke in an Imperial prison cell.

He looked around. His hands were unbound, and he wasn't strapped to some torture device either. Obviously, everything but his clothes had been taken off of him.

He was also still alive, which was odd.

Either way, he wasn't going to escape. That door was solid metal and he wasn't going to get it to open.

He sat there with his hands to his face, sobbing.

He had lost everything now. At this point, he wished she had died with the Jedi. He always thought that was the worst-case scenario. Ahsoka falling to such lows was just so unlike her, and he never even considered she had thrown in with the Empire.

And yet she did just that. Now, everything and everyone he loved was now gone. His planet was under the thumb of the Empire. His parents were dead. Saw was off fighting somewhere else, and his sister had died fighting the Separatists. King Dendup was hiding somewhere with another rebel cell, and Lux didn't like the odds of Tandin escaping that mine. And now, the one he was longing for for years had not only turned her back on him completely, but now she straight-up wants him dead.

What was even the point of him still being alive? Was the Galaxy just trying to make things hard for him?

He just wanted to die. It would be better that way anyways, as he wouldn't cave and give up any rebel secrets he may have.

And he knew that any second now, she'd be through the door, trying to break him.

And a few minutes later, that's exactly what happened.

The door opened, and she came through with two purge troopers and a purge trooper commander.

Her mask was off, and he could see her face clearly, but her eyes were essentially glowing yellow from hatred, and she was visibly scarred. She seriously looked possessed.

They looked at each other, saying nothing for a few seconds, out of shame for each other.

"How the hell did they get to you," Lux said.

"I already told you. The Empire is spreading peace and prosperity to the Galaxy, and you're trying to ruin it-"

"Ahsoka, Listen to yourself!" Lux pleaded. "You sound like a Separatist!"

She ran over to Lux, grabbed him by the throat, and pinned him to the wall.

"Do not call me that. If you wish to adress me, it's First Sister now. And never, NEVER speak to me like you just did!"

She dropped him, and he gasped for air.

"You sound like a lunatic," he continued.

First Sister grumbled.

"You're lucky you're more useful alive," she said, "or else I would have killed you right then and there back in the cave. In fact, I was about to do just that before Commander Rubal back here made me aware of the advantages of keeping you."

"Snap out of it, Ahsoka, you know as well as I do this isn't you-"

She grabbed him and smashed his head on the wall.

"YEEOWWW!!!" He yelled in pain.

"I might not kill you, but I will make it hurt. A lot. And I hope that I can drill some proper behavior into your head, or else the end result will not be good for either of us. And you better turn up some information, or else you'll be too useless to keep alive.

Lux stayed silent, but gave First Sister a mean look.

"I'll never turn over anything to the Empire," he finally said.

"We'll have to see about that," First Sister replied.

"Tell me, what empty void within you are you trying to fill by doing this?" Lux asked.

She grabbed him and slammed his head against the wall again, but this time, Lux merely grunted instead of screaming in pain. His face was bleeding, yet he still remained composed.

"You're tough, I'll give you that. But you'll crack eventually."

"I have my doubts," he replied. "If anything, you'll be the one cracking."

And then she slammed his head against the wall yet again.

"AAAGH!" He screamed again.

"Alright, Rubal, can I just kill him?"

Rubal and Lux were visibly confused.

"I... that is entirely your decision," Rubal said. "But I doubt Tarkin, Vader, or Palpatine would want to hear that you killed a valuable asset. And why the hell are you asking me for orders anyways?"

First Sister let go of Lux and walked a step back.

"I will be seeing you again soon," First Sister scowled. "And you better comply, for both of our sakes."

She and her purge troopers turned around and left through the door.

"Ahsoka," Lux said, stopping her before she left the room.

She turned around in anger.

"I thought you had died with the Jedi. I never wanted to believe it. Now I only wish it were true. Why? Just why did you do it?"

Lux was basically expecting to be dead meat at this point.

To his surprise, she trembled a little, and he got somewhat of a straight answer.

"There's nothing left for me," First Sister replied. "No Jedi, no Republic, only the Empire. I joined because the Jedi turned their backs on me. And I needed revenge. Look at me. The scar on my face was given to me by a Jedi. They might not have given it to me when they left me for dead, but even if I wanted to turn back now, it's not possible. I'd be dead within days, so I fell in line. You would be wise to do the same."

Lux took that all in as the door closed behind her.

Why did she just open up like that when two seconds prior she was slamming his face to the wall? Was she just trying to let something out that had been built up for years? Was she just trying to make herself feel better? Or was she just toying with him?

Either way, it wouldn't be long before she found out that he didn't have much information on him. Tandin had left him in the dark on quite a few things, and if she didn't find enough use for him, he was dead.

What also confused him was Commander Rubal. Why would Ahsoka have asked him for permission to kill? Lux liked to think she was finding an excuse to hold back.

And Lux knew that she was still in there, somewhere. He could feel it.

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