Chapter 22: A Complaint

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Darth Vader stood on the bridge of his Star Destroyer, looking through the window as the ship sped through hyperspace.

"Lord Vader," someone said from behind him, "We've got an incoming transmission from the Dominix. It seems like it's from Elias."

"Very well," he replied. "What good timing. Had he called any sooner, I would have been... busy."

He walked towards the back of the bridge towards the holotable and turned it on.

However, instead of Captain Elias, First Sister was the one who came up.

"What is the meaning of this?" Vader beckoned.

First Sister used the force to pull the bloodied corpse of Captain Elias from behind her, and she slammed it on her holotable.

"You could have just asked," she said, slightly frustrated.

"What? What do you mean?" Vader replied.

"I know Elias has been working as your rat. You think I wouldn't notice that my own captain suddenly took a stand against me when normally he's a coward?"

"Choose your next words very, very carefully," Vader replied. "Or I may be forced to consider you... disloyal."

"That's exactly the problem, my Lord," she said. "My loyalty is unwavering. But when you put a rat into my own crew to spy on me, do you think that would help?"

"It seems Elias was a fool, then," Vader replied. "And besides, I had to take some... precautionary measures to ensure you were not... fraternizing with the boy."

"You speak of Bonteri," First Sister said. "I assure you, if he wasn't more useful to us alive, I already would have killed him."

"We are both well aware of your past with the boy. if you cannot get any useful information out of him, or if you feel in any way that your loyalty to us may be slipping, then you will kill him."

"It will be done, my Lord," she said.

"In addition, since you clearly require new management for your fleet, I will be sending Admiral Corleque and his fleet to assist you."

"I'm sorry, Admiral Corleque?" First Sister asked, frustrated.

"That is correct. Furthermore, Corleque will report directly to me in the event of your disloyalty. You are not to kill him or harm him in any way, lest you wish to be retaliated against."

"This is not necessary!" First Sister yelled. "I serve the Empire with every fiber of my being, and I know very well the consequences of treason! Besides, do you really think I'm going to join some rag-tag old pathetic rebel group that we're about to squash!?"

"Your behavior has been rather erratic," Vader said. "While your disposal of Governor Gianturco was... acceptable, to say the least, Elias told me he noticed unusual behavior coming from me. He even told me you had asked Commander Rubal for permission to kill Bonteri. Commander Rubal. Can you not make those decisions on your own?"

"How the- Elias wasn't even in the cell with me, how did he know that happened?"

"The security footage, perhaps?" Vader responded. "And it seems Elias was right. You are acting erratic. You are to not meet with the boy again until Admiral Corleque arrives, and if I get word that you have hurt the Admiral at all, there will be consequences. You have been warned."

"No, Vader, I-"

Vader ended the transmission.

"I am assuming you would like me to bring up Admiral Corleque, sir," an officer said from behind him.

"That would be correct," Vader replied.

The commander punched some buttons to ring up the Admiral, and soon, he answered the call.

"Lord Vader," the Admiral replied, "to what do I owe the honor?"

"You are to head to Onderon immediately to assist First Sister's operation on the planet. You are to report to me any unusual behavior coming from her, especially if it involves her captive, Lux Bonteri. If you have any evidence she plans to betray the Empire, you will execute Bonteri immediately and send me a signal."

"That is a bit abrupt and large of an order, but we can and will make it work," The Amdiral replied. "I'll be at Onderon within the day, you can count on that."

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