Chapter 31: Fate of the Apprentice

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Lux stood his guard, waiting for First Sister to strike.

"Cut it out, Ahsoka," he said. "I've ruined nothing. You've done that yourself."

"No," First Sister replied. "Somehow, you made a mess so big that Vader's going to have to come here and sort this out if I don't kill you!"

"You can kill me, but you can't kill Onderon."

"Maybe with enough time and effort, we can."

"And make innocents suffer!? Ahsoka, get a grip of yourself!"

She charged at him without a response. Lux was quick to block her blades with his electrostaff, and their blades locked.

"Ahsoka, you don't want to do this. This isn't you! You can use your power to help stop the Empire, not help it!"

He pushed her back.

"Nobody can stop the Empire!" First Sister yelled in response, charging back at him.

She dealt two quick blows to him, both of which he blocked.

"You're right. It doesn't take just one person. The people have to do it. But you can help them, Ahsoka. Leave the Empire behind and we can help more worlds tear off their shackles, just like Onderon!"

She charged at him again, and their blades locked once more.

"You don't understand," First Sister yelled. "He'll... he'll kill me!"

Lux felt a bit of sadness and fear in her as she said that.

Lux pushed her back again.

"Then go on the run! Leave Onderon! Leave this place for somewhere the Empire will never find you!"

"No, the Empire finds everything. I can't do this, Lux, even if I wanted to!"

Then, Lux charged at her himself, but was easily blocked and pushed back.

"I have power, and the Imperial Forces at my command!" First Sister continued yelling. "What do you have that I don't!?"

"Hope," Lux said.

"Pathetic," First Sister snarled.

"Rebellions are built on hope, Ahsoka."

Angered, she lunged at him again, but was blocked.

"Why won't you just die!?" First Sister yelled in anger.

"In all honesty, I have no idea."

"Oh my-"

First Sister put her hand to her face.

"You are so, so annoying."

Lux tried to catch her off guard and jab her with the electrostaff, but she blocked it anyways.

"Ahsoka, just listen to me!" Lux yelled. "This isn't you, and it's not who you're supposed to be!"

"Then what am I supposed to be," she sneered, "A Jedi?"

"Maybe," Lux replied. "But it sure is not this."

First Sister lunged at him again, and yet again, their blades locked.

"Look, you failed," First Sister said. "Your rebel friends may have escaped, but you didn't retrieve any fuel. And, we've seized all your Republic gunships. It's over."

"Wait, seized fuel? Oh, the Dark Side had made you so shortsighted. We're not going to take any fuel."

"Wait, then that means-"

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