Chapter 4: Freedom Fighters

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This wasn't his first battle.

Lux Bonteri had fought many battles, against the Separatists, and now, against the Empire.

He had to bail from the Imperial Senate (which was a rump organization regardless) after they had suspected him of being a traitor.

Which he was, or at least by definition.

He had sworn loyalty to the Republic, but after the Empire was formed, he had lost all hope in it, causing him to turn away from it.

Despite his best efforts in the Senate, it was worthless. It was like trying to brace yourself in a trash compactor.

Saw Gerrera had long since moved off world, to bring the fight to other parts of the Galaxy. Now, it was just Lux, and whatever was left of the Rebellion.

People like General Tandin, a former Separatist Collaborator and member of the Onderonian Royal Guard, were still working with the Rebels. King Dendup was with them too, but his powers as King were essentially obsolete, and the real power over the System was held by local Imperial military officers, as it had been since the Empire's creation. Such was sadly the case everywhere, save for a few Collaborator regimes speckled throughout the Galaxy.

He knew this whole Onderon rebellion had a very slim chance of doing anything. If anything, it would cause the Empire to utilize more extreme measures.

But so long as there was a chance, he had to fight on. What made him act like this, he didn't know. He was just always going to fight until the bitter end.

He remembered the one who taught him that: Ahsoka Tano. The beautiful Togruta Padawan who was always a beacon of light at the end of the tunnel, who everyone looked up to.

He got his bravery from her. He learned a lot from Ahsoka just by being around her. Lux followed in Ahsoka's footsteps of fighting tooth and nail for justice and freedom.

And, as much as he hated to admit it, he loved her.

He had a very big crush on her, but alas, he was just such a fool to see that she could have loved him back.

And now it was too late.

She was gone, and nobody knew where she was.

Was she dead like all the other Jedi? Did she survive and is now putting up a fight against the Empire somewhere he didn't know?

Whatever the case was, it was far too late now. If only he hadn't been such a fool to hold back his desire for her. If only he had known he wouldn't see her again. Now, she was probably dead, and he would likely never get the chance to tell her his true feelings. It hurt him so much that he'd never get to see her again.

And yet, a part of him would always hope for her to come back. He would tell her his true feelings, and she could help with the Rebellion.

There wasn't a day when he never thought:

"If only Ahsoka were here."

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