Chapter 35: Departure

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Lux, Ahsoka, and the Medical Droid came to the spot where the shuttle was parked and got off of the speeder. It looked to be an old Republic Rho-class shuttle.

"This is it," Lux said.

"We could probably load the speeder onto the shuttle," Ahsoka said. "These shuttles usually have lots of storage space. Just strip the speeder's weapons off so it doesn't seem suspicious."

"I'm not a mechanic," Lux replied.

"Well then I'll do it myself," Ahsoka responded.

She had some experience with the basics of being a mechanic from the Clone Wars and the Empire.

The droid walked up the shuttle's ramp as Lux pushed the speeder on board.

They might get some odd looks from taking an old Republic military shuttle, but the world they were heading too was Hutt territory, so it probably wouldn't be the most suspicious thing that happened there.

When he got the speeder on board, Lux took one last look at the jungles of his homeworld.

"I'm going to miss this place," Lux said somberly. "This reminds me of when me and my parents first left for Raxus. Now I'm the only one left." 

"One day, maybe we'll be back," Ahsoka continued. "You came back from Raxus, right?"

"Now there's the Ahsoka I remember," Lux replied with a smile. "Always looking out for and comforting anyone she can."

Ahsoka smiled. She had totally forgotten how good it felt to be like this.

Lux put his hand on her cheek, and they leaned in for a kiss.

For but a moment, Ahsoka let go of her grief, and the painful memories of her sinful actions.

Finally, they parted, and Ahsoka closed the entry ramp and climbed up to the cockpit.

She powered up the ship, and read the diagnostics.

"Not a lot of fuel, but still more than enough to get to Hollastin." She yelled down.

"Good news," Lux yelled back up.

Then, something came up on one of the control panels: someone had sent this ship a message.

"Someone sent this thing a transmission," Ahsoka continued. "Audio only and attached coordinates."

Lux got into the cockpit as well.

"Who's it from?"

"Doesn't say. Looks like the sender doesn't have an identity."

"Might be Tandin's contact," Lux stated.

"Might be the Empire," Ahsoka replied with a counterpoint.

"Why would the Imps send a comm to this shuttle? They don't even know it exists."

"True," Ahsoka replied. "Put it through."

"No, you do it. You're right next to the controls."

"Sorry, still used to giving orders to everyone."

She put the transmission through.

"Greetings," A digitally scrambled voice said. "This is the contact General Tandin spoke of. I've sent this message to your shuttle to let you know that you should land at the attached coordinates once you reach Hollastin. I'll be waiting for you there so I can speak to you in person. I have made sure you will not be tangled with local authorities. I will not disclose any more information due to risk of Imperial interception. Be quick, however, I can confirm that the Imperials tend to fully blockade the planet within the next 24 hours."

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