Epilogue: Fulcrum

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"Are you certain about this?" Organa asked over the hologram. His identity was hidden, and the audio was scrambled, but she still knew who she was contacting. "Just a few days ago you seemed pretty adamant on staying hidden."

"I've heard of what's happened to Onderon," Ahsoka replied. Lux was sitting next to her, and bothe of their identities were also hidden on Organa's end, similarly to how Organa's was to them. "I can't just stand by as these people suffer. It's only now that I understand the depth of the depravity of this regime I helped to create. And I'm going to bring it all crashing down."

Ahsoka realized she was getting a bit too passionate, and if the Imps were listening, saying something like "this regime I helped to create" was likely a big red flag as to who she was.

"You have no Idea how happy I am to hear that, Fulcrum," Organa replied, using her agreed codename and seemingly ignoring her little slip-up. "I always knew you would come through."

"Don't get your hopes too high," Ahsoka continued. "I'm working solely on intelligence, no active combat just yet, or else I'll end up putting a target on our backs so big, you could see it from a galaxy far, far away."

"Something that big would collapse into a black hole with a gravity well stronger than anything we've ever seen before, but I get your point."

"So, is there anything you need me to do right now?"

Organa laughed.

"Fulcrum, you just joined in," he said. "I don't have any assignments for you yet. Also, you don't really have the tools to start just yet, so I'll come over and bring them myself in my personal shuttle. I'm not too busy, and I should be able to be there within three days. I'll let you learn the ropes, maybe tracking fleet movements and such, then if you're good enough you might be able to scale up your operations network. Who knows, maybe one day you'll be back in the field."

"I almost miss those days," Ahsoka replied. "Almost."

"And what do I get to do?" Lux asked from beside her.

"I'm glad to hear you're coming along for the ride as well. You'll likely be working in tandem with your partner here, since I know you probably don't want to risk active combat either. But right now, we can't say much over comms. Force knows if some Imps decided to slice our comm frequency."

"Alright," Ahsoka agreed. "See you in a bit."

The holo switched off, and it was just Lux and Ahsoka alone again.

"I'm so glad you're back, Ahsoka," Lux said suddenly, grabbing Ahsoka's hand. "Without you, it was... agonizing. Not a day went by when I didn't think of you. I'm so glad I have you back now, 'Soka."

"Heh, I should've went to Onderon to see you after I left the Jedi Order," Ahsoka remarked. "Really, I don't know why I stayed in the slums of Coruscant. If you were there for me... well, I certainly wouldn't have been so vulnerable. The Emperor wouldn't have even been able to find me, perhaps. Only issue I would have getting here is either getting kidnapped by pirates or being on a ship General Grievous decided to use for target practice. Oh, and I guess that's not considering the fact that you'd probably have to deal with the headline 'Onderon Senator involved with Ex-Jedi Ahsoka Tano'  everywhere."

Lux let out a little giggle.

"Certainly would've been easier to deal with than being branded a traitor of the Empire," he replied. Ahsoka couldn't tell if he was joking, or being serious, or both.

"About that, sorry for trying to kill you. Seriously."

Lux giggled again.

"Maybe the Dark Side blinded you, but I'm glad you saw through it," he said softly. "Again, so long as you atone for your mistakes, I'm all yours."

He kissed her hand, but then was unexpectedly caught in a hug with Ahsoka, who pressed her lips onto his with a fiery passion. He had no choice but to comply and hug her back, matching her fervor.

Then, Ahsoka pulled back.

"Oh, come on," Lux said, pulling her back in.

Ahsoka didn't resist, and their lips remained pressed together for a few more seconds before they both heard a droid beeping behind them.

The two quickly looked behind them to find the culprit: R7-A7.

The astromech let out a series of beeps and boops that roughly translated to "you two are adorable. I recorded the whole thing."

Ahsoka breifly fumed with anger, before she took a deep breath and let it go.

"You didn't get the whole part where I was hired as a rebel operative, did you?"

R7 beeped out a "nope" as his dome looked to the left and then to the right, imitating a humanoid head-shake normally used to convey the word "no."

"Thank The Force," she mumbled. "Also, I might wipe your memory just for filming that."

R7 let out a long bloop while slowly rolling backwards.

Lux couldn't help but giggle yet again.

"I'm not gonna wipe his memory," Ahsoka mumbled.

"Hey, Ahsoka," he said, "I was gonna ask you this after the kiss, but then the droid interrupted. Either way, do you want a family?"

She wasn't exactly expecting that question. Then again, a few moments ago it would've been less unanticipated, but R7's little interruption broke the moment.

"I... have no idea," she said. "I'm still recovering, physically and mentally, from the Empire."

"You'd make a great mother, 'Soka," Lux continued. "And if your kids are anything like you are, well, the Imps are in big trouble."

"If they really were anything like I am, maybe they'll be anything but trouble for the Empire. I was an Inquisitor, remember?"

It took a while for Lux to muster a response. It seems he hadn't considered that he might lose his children to the Dark Side.

"Let's just wait and see," Ahsoka continued. "I want children, I really do, but right now... I need some time to think it over. I don't want to lose them, not in the same way I lost myself."

"I... I can see why that is," Lux replied. "And I guess, right now, we both need some time to settle down here, after all that we've been through."

Then, they heard the sound of something falling over outside.

"Oh kriff, those droids," Ahsoka said angrily, getting up and walking outside.

She walked outside, where a small part of a stone fence had crumbled, and the Gonk was laying down in the debris right next to it, frantically trying to get back on it's feet.

She quickly looked around the area to see if there was anything that might have caused the incident, but when she saw nothing, she realized the Gonk had likely brought this upon himself somehow.

"We need a better fence," Ahsoka muttered to herself, as she helped the Gonk to it's feet.

Lux walked out to her, and the Gonk started making it's signature noise frantically.

"You seem to be low on power," Ahsoka told the Gonk, "Go to the charging port."

The Gonk obliged, and walked away.

"I've heard dealing with children is like that sometimes," Lux said. "But I've also heard it's worth it."

"I've heard the same thing," Ahsoka replied.

"You know, we're doing the right thing, standing up to the Empire."

"I couldn't agree more," Ahsoka replied. "It's time to light the flames of rebellion."

Ahsoka looked out towards the Ocean, and so did Lux.

Lux wrapped his hand around her, and they leaned in for a kiss.


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