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~Gons pov~

"Common Gon!" Ging shouted.
It's been about half a year since I've been with Ging, my dad. All we've been doing is exploring the world and getting to know each other, but honestly it's been fun! I was a little nervous to meet him and get to know him but things have been going pretty smoothly. Seeing the world has been so much fun I had no idea it had so much to offer.
We've been exploring this small island for the past few days now but I'm not sure how much longer we're going to stay here.
"There's a small market up ahead, do you wanna check it out?" Ging asked me.
"Yeah sure!" I responded eagerly. "This island sure is beautiful, though it's small and a bit gloomy the people are so lively!"

We stroll around the market for a few hours when it starts to get dark.
"We should probably start looking for somewhere to stay the night..." Ging trailed off as we both kept a an eye out for an inn.
After a few minutes we finally find one and get settled in.
"Alright kiddo it's pretty late I'm going to bed." Ging said yawning.
"Oh I probably should too," I say while getting into my bed "goodnight!"

After a little bit I hear Ging start to snore. For some reason I can't seem to fall asleep. I quietly get out of bed and look out the window. I look up at the moon and think over the past few months of traveling the world with Ging. Suddenly a promise I made a long long time ago pops into my head;
"We can travel around and see the world together!"
Those words slipped right out of my mouth while talking to Killua.
It's like I didn't even think, I just said what I wanted.
I feel streams of tears run down my face as I stared up at the night sky.
I guess I never realized how much I missed him.
I suddenly had the urge to call Killua.
I want to hear his voice so bad... but-
Before I could even finish my thought more tears start to flow down my cheeks.
He has Alluka now.
He doesn't need me now.
It would just be too selfish of me to suddenly reach out to him like that.
I stand up and cry into a pillow until I finally fall asleep.

Goodnight, Killua. Wherever you are.

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