-Good Morning!-

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~Killuas pov~

Suddenly, I was awake. Though my eyes weren't open yet, I knew I was no longer asleep.
The sweet smell of pine and a hint of vanilla drifted into my nose. My eyes finally fluttered open to see the clear morning sky from the window. I looked down to see Gon, cuddled into my chest. My whole body began to heat up as I stared down at him sleeping.
I decided not to move an inch, in efforts of not waking Gon up. However, I continued to stare at him.

A couple minutes pass and Gons eyes begin to open. I quickly shifted my attention to outside.
"—Oh good morning Killua..." He said yawning.
His tired voice caught me off guard.

"Y-yeah. Good morning...do you want to head down to get breakfast soon?" I unconsciously began to pull away from Gon. The position we were in was embarrassing.

"In a little bit." He responded, pulling me close again. "Let's just stay like this for a little longer."
My face flushed bright red as he snuggled his face back into my chest. My heart was going insane.

About ten minutes pass and the only noise in the room is Gons light breathing.
I think he's asleep again...
I took the time to study his facial features;
He had long eye lashes that shifted slightly every time I breathed (yes we were that close together). His olive skin complimented his light pink lips. They were a bit chapped. He had such defined jawline, I felt my face heat up once more.

....I can't believe he has feelings for me...

I shifted my attention to the promise ring Gon had given me.
I also can't believe he made the first move!
I felt a bit annoyed at myself for not being brave enough to share my feelings first. I soon forgot about it because Gon began to wake up.
"Sorry, I fell asleep again!" He looked up at me and smiled bashfully. He then completely pulled apart from me and got out of bed. I fallowed behind as he lead me downstairs.

There, we found Aunt Mito making breakfast.
"Morning you two!"

"Morning Aunt Mito!" Gon replied. "Do you need any help with breakfast?"

"Yeah sure, if you wouldn't mind. Alluka is still asleep so you two can help me out."
She explained how we we're going to have pancakes for breakfast. Me and Gon started on the batter.
Gon mixed while I poured in the ingredients. He mixed a little too fast because he ended up getting some batter on his face. Instinctively, I raised my hand to wipe it away.
Gons face turned bright red.
While we were still making eye contact I proceeded to eat the batter that I had whipped from his cheek. It was fun to see him get flustered for once.


"Alluka! Breakfast is ready!" Killua called from the kitchen. The pancakes were finally finished.

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