-Hiding Again Part 2-

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TW!! Panic attack and intrusive thoughts

~Killuas pov~

"You damn bastard..." slipped out of my mouth. I couldn't do anything else but quietly curse at him.
Both me and Alluka stood there paralyzed.

"Looks like I found you again." Illumi stated. He didn't even seem to acknowledge Gon. He was staring intensely at me and Alluka.
He then began to approach us. Slowly, he started to raise his hand to my forehead. I was sweating profusely.
Before I knew it, Gon was on his feet. He got up grabbed Illumi's wrist tightly, preventing him from touching me. Illumi finally looked in Gon's direction, acknowledging his existence.

"HE DOESNT WANT THIS!!" Gon yelled as his swung Illumi backwards, sending him flying down the alley. Gon looked so enraged, so furious—but when he looked back at me he seemed terrified. He grabbed both me and Allukas hands and started running. I glanced back to see Illumi; he was just sitting there, not moving an inch.
I'm not taking any chances...we need to run!

I scooped up Alluka and moved her to my back. I then picked up Gon and held him in my arms. This way, I could use god speed and no one would be left behind.

As I was sprinting across the city, I felt Gon's eyes on me. I went to look down at him in my arms, but everything was blurry. I felt something warm trailing down from my eyes to my jaw. I blinked a few times and my vision cleared up enough for me to see Gon's worried expression.
I soon realized I was crying.
Gon slowly reached up and gently wiped my tears away with his sleeve. Once he was done, his expression softened and he smiled at me.
I felt my face heat up as I continued running.

Once we finally reached the appartement complex, I was exhausted. I had just enough nen for us to make it back. Me and Gon tried to sense his aura while Alluka looked around to see if she could spot him anywhere. Once we were sure he wasn't around, we went inside.

"Alluka you should probably go to bed." I said looking over at her. She was falling asleep while standing up.
"Y-yeah you're right.." she yawned. "I'll see you both in the morning...goodnight." She trudged off to my room.

....Illumi found us again...
Everything that just happened began to settle in.
Illumi found us again..!
I felt so paranoid, I couldn't breath. I found my vision going blurry again as I began to hyperventilate.
"Killua! Are you okay?" Gon asked rushing over to my side.
I felt hot tears flow down my checks as I heavily breathed in and out. My knees buckled and I fell to the floor.

Gon sat in front of me and took my hands in his. He quietly began to hum an unfamiliar song. It caught me off guard.
I almost instantly began to calm down.

As he hummed, I felt my worry melt away. A sudden calm sensation washed over me as he held my hands tightly. His beautiful and soft voice dripped into my ears like honey.
....I feel..warm...
"Can you take a few deep breath's with me?" Gon asked.
I nodded.
Together, we took a couple deep breaths. Afterwards, he kept humming.

Once he finished, I felt a lot better.
"Thank you Gon, I feel a bit more relaxed now."
Gon smiled and leaned in for a hug.

I hugged him back, grateful for all he's done for me

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I hugged him back, grateful for all he's done for me. Once we pulled apart, I asked him, "What was that song you were humming?"

"Oh! It's a lullaby Aunt Mito used to hum to me when I was little. It was to help me fall asleep. It's pretty isn't it?"
I agreed.

"U-um anyway...there's something I'd like to ask you..."

Art credits: don't call chocolate robots a waste of money on tumblr

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