-Moving In-

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~Killuas pov-
Early afternoon:
Me and Alluka had just gotten off the airship, both of us were dressed in heavy clothing to disguise ourselves. Last night and while we were on the airship I did  research on reasonable appartements in the area. I was able to find one further away from the city which puts us at a little bit of a disadvantage. But it's fine, we just have to be more careful....

As we're walking down the street,  I accidentally bumped into someone. I was planning to just keep on walking when I heard them call out, "Oh sorry!"
I stopped immediately.
Is that..- no it couldn't be. But what if it is...
I begin to turn around when a sudden thought crosses my mind.
What if it's Illumi impersonating him!
I quickly grab Allukas hand and we both keep walking.

Late afternoon:
Once we finally get there Alluka takes off her disguises and I go talk to the landlord about payment, rules, ex.
I was sure to sign the apartment under a fake name.

"Alright Alluka I'm back. What do you think of the place?" I asked while walking through the door.
"It's really nice! I think we'll like it here!" She beamed. She seemed happy and exited on the outside, but I could tell she was still scared.
"Hey let's go pick out our rooms!" I said eagerly.
Maybe this can cheer her up..

~Gons pov~
Early afternoon:
Ah I'm finally here! I thought as I strolled into the city.
I still needed to figure out a place to stay. I spot a bench across the street and as I'm walking two people heavily overdressed bumped into me. For some reason I couldn't see their faces.
"Oh sorry!" I call out. The taller one halted and went to turn around but quickly stopped, grabbed the shorter ones hand, and kept walking. I shrug it off and head for the bench.
Once I get there I take out my phone and start looking at nearby apartments and hotels I might be able to stay at. I find this nice appartement not too far away from where I was and start walking to it.

Once I get there I see the tall person I bumped into earlier walk out of the apartment next to mine.
I wonder where the other one went? Maybe they're inside their room?
My mind quickly shifts when I open the door to see one of the nicest rooms I've ever stayed in! I didn't really need the second room it came with but it was nice to have around.

Maybe once I find Killua he'll want to stay with me?

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