-Lets Run Away-

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~Gon's pov~
(Back at the festival)
I've known about my feelings for Killua for a little bit now...and I've had this plan for a little bit too...I just don't know how to bring it into conversation...

Suddenly, something bright and shiny caught my eye. I glanced over at one of the stands and I see it. The thing I've been looking for.
I carefully shimmied my arm out without Killua noticing and went over immediately. There before me, was the perfect way to confess.
I asked the woman how much, and she said a prince that was kinda out of my range. It didn't matter. I quickly got the money out from my wallet and nearly threw it at this poor woman. I was so exited.
She gave me my change and the bag of stuff I bought. I thanked her and went back to Killua and Alluka.

I really hope he likes it!!

(Back to where we left off)

"U-um anyway...there's something I'd like to ask you..."
Now that it's time, I'm super nervous..!

I tried to conceal my blush, but the room was already pretty dim. The only lighting was the moon shining through the window. Killua's porcelain skin almost glowed under the soft moon. His expression seemed a bit concerned.
"Yeah what is it?"

"Well I-" I gulped.
I'm so afraid I'll ruin things, what will happen if he doesn't feel the same?
I hesitated; should I even confess my feelings? I felt so sure before but now I'm terrified...

Killua must've noticed my panicking because he reached over and put his hand on mine.
I looked at him, he had a pink hue spread across his face.
"You don't have to worry, take your time."

I have to do this...I have to...

I took a deep breath and proceeded.
"Killua...I've been meaning to tell you this for a little bit and—well I'm afraid. Afraid I'll ruin things. Please don't hate me but...I have strong feelings for you."

I took another deep breath. At this point my eyes were glued to the floor, I couldn't look him in the eye.

"And since everything with Illumi is causing you a lot of stress—"
I reached into the bag.
"I...I want you to run away with me!"

Within the bag was a small box that held two rings. Both had a thin band made out of silver. In the middle of the rings held a stone. One ring held a sapphire, and the other an emerald. Clear quarts was used to decorate the rest of the band. Both rings shined brightly, reflecting the light from the moon.

"Let's go live on whale Island! Aunt Mito will take care of all of us!" I settled down a bit; "look—I want to be with you...I want to live the rest of my days by your side. So if you want to—"
I held out Killua's ring for him to take.
"Please...come with me."

After my terrible confession, I finally had the nerve to look Killua in the eyes.

I couldn't quite make out his expression. He looked surprised, and happy. But he also looked scared and confused. The only thing I could clearly decipher was that he was flustered. His whole face was bright red.

"I-I-I-I-I-I- I um well I-"
Never in my life had I seen someone so at a loss for words.

A few seconds of pure shock go by until he quietly asked, "D-do you really m-mean it..?"

I nodded vigorously.

His bright blue eyes began to water once again. A few tears trickled down his cheeks as he stared intently at his ring. He reached out his shaky hand and slowly took it.
His eyes were like saucers, he seemed so infatuated with the beauty of the ring. His jaw hung open as he steadily slid it onto his slim ring finger.
I sighed in relief, it fit perfectly.

He looked back up at me, still in utter shock. The moon complimented his beautiful eyes, I nearly lost track of time from staring into them for so long.
His face suddenly began to scrunch up as he lunged at me.

I blushed furiously as I slowly began to hug him back. I had no idea what was going on.
He cried into my neck, holding me tightly in his arms. "You idiot! I've had feelings for you this whole time!"

Hearing that made me start crying too. I held him tightly in return.

"I want to go to whale Island with you. I want to make memories with you! Damn it I just want to be by your side!"

I felt my entire body heat up.
I've never heard Killua be so honest with his feelings...
My face was bright red.
"S-same here..."

Killua suddenly pulled away.
"Let's all go tomorrow. Now get out of here! Go pack up all your stuff!"

"Haha okay okay!" I scampered out the door as Killua shooed me away.
"Oh wait-"
I turned around and quickly kissed Killua on the cheek. It was funny seeing him turn bright red.

"I'll see you tomorrow!"
I waved and went back to my room.
Once I was back, I closed the door and I fell to the ground—burring my red face in my hands.
He likes me back! He likes me back! He likes me back!
I couldn't stop smiling.

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