-Hide & Seek-

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~Killuas pov~
(While gon is inside the restaurant)

Gon strolls inside and I could hear him greet the people working right before the door closed behind him. I didn't want to go inside because of that creepy person from before.
As long as I can protect Gon, that's all I care about.
I turn around to took inside the restaurant through the glass window. Everything looks normal.

As I turn back around, my eyes fixed on the ground, I notice a pair of shoes planted right in front of me. As my eyes trace up their torso I identify them immediately. His familiar black silky hair swayed with the gentle breeze. Though it was a peaceful evening his presence alone ruined that.
My eyes finally met his.
"It's about time I found you. I felt like a child playing hide and seek. It was irritating." He spoke in that same dreadful monotone voice.
His face was expressionless but his eyes pierced my soul. Even so, I couldn't look away. I kept telling myself to run, but I couldn't. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Illumi's hand reaching out to me. His hand was slowly approaching me but I couldn't break away from his empty gaze. I felt a sudden chill run through my body. This was inevitable.

Just then, I heard the restaurant door open.
I was so fixated on Illumi that I forgot about it Gon. I need to protect him but...I can't move!

Illumi's attention shifted to Gon. My chest got tight as my heart began to pound so loud that I could barley hear. All I could manage to say was; "I-Illumi...please...you can't..." I felt pathetic.
After all this... I still wasn't able to protect the ones I care about...
Tears began to well up in my eyes when suddenly I felt someone grab me by the wrist. It took me a second to realize who it was since I still hadn't looked away from Illumi. Gon had grabbed my wrist and yanked me around the corner.

"Why...why even run at this point..?" I ask as he drags me down an ally.

"Killua you need to snap out of it!!" He yelled back at me. He didn't stop running for a second. The grip on my wrist loosened as he slid his hand down to mine. Once his grip tightened again he said "Do you really want to go back to that house? Are you really ready to give up, just like that? After everything you went through to protect Alluka, are you ready to throw that all away??"
He kept running forward but managed to look back at me. He gave me a smile, "Don't give up just yet, okay?"
His words were like a slap to the face.
I was being so selfish. I was so ready to give up and throw the life me and Alluka have together away. Gons right. I can't stop protecting her now.
I felt a few tears fall from my eyes. Now that I have my values in order, I can run at full speed. But Gon can't keep up.
"Hey Gon!" I shout as I wipe my tears with my free hand. "I'm going to run in front and I need you to jump on my back okay? I'm going to run as fast as I can!"

He looked relived. He slowed down a bit and allowed me to pass him. Once there was a distance between us I squatted down and Gon lunged into my back. I held tightly to his legs and he wrapped his arms around my neck.
I felt the electricity flow through me as I pushed off from the round and started running full speed. As I progressed through the city the ground broke beneath me.
"Gon," I began. Gon leaned forward to hear better. "Try and see if you can sense Illumi while I run."
"Okay got it!"

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