-Our First Dinner-

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Sorry for the late update my precious seeds<33
Also sorry if it seems like I'm putting Mito and Alluka into stereotypes (*''*) I just thought they'd get along in the show if they ever met....that and Gon and Killua needed some alone time😏😏

~Gons pov~

"Hi Aunt Mito! Me and Killua are back." I  announced, walking in. Killua fallowed closely behind.

Her and Alluka laughed.
"Okay! Dinners almost ready!"
Both me and Killua sat down at the table and waited patiently for dinner to be ready.

10 minutes later:
"Wow this looks delicious!"
A full corse meal had been placed in front of us. I felt my mouth begin to water as the smell filled the room. We said our thanks and dug in.
Me and Killua ate up every last bite of the delicious food Aunt Mito and Alluka worked so hard on.
The whole meal felt so nostalgic. I felt myself smile, recalling the last time I was here. I played back our moments in my head.
....I really do love him...don't I?


After we finished eating, we had to figure out our living arrangements.
Me and Killua decided to share my room while Alluka and Aunt Mito shared hers.

We then washed up and got ready for bed. While Killua was taking a bath, I began to set up his futon.

"Hey Gon, I'm done." He said walking into the room.
I felt my face become red at the sight of him. His hair was still wet.

I scoffed a bit, "Make sure you dry your hair all the way. You'll get a cold." I found myself on my feet and directly in front of Killua. I used the towel sitting in his shoulder to gently dry his hair.
After I was done, I noticed Killuas bashful expression. I also noticed, I had acted without thinking.

"I-I um—I'm gonna go take my shower now!" I hurried out of the room and closed the door behind me. I could hear Killua giggle from the other side.

Embarrassed, I went to the bathroom to wash up.

I wonder if Killuas okay with living here...
I let my mind wonder as I stared down into the bath water.
Is he okay with sleeping on the floor for a while..?
My face flushed bright red. I could tell because my reflection through the water.
I mean....we are dating now....
I sank beneath the water, hoping to drown out such embarrassing thoughts.


When I got back from my bath, surprisingly, Killua was still awake. He was laying on his back, staring up at the ceiling. The only light in the room was the gentle moon coming in from my window.

Killua always appeared so beautiful under the moon.

"Hey." I interrupted his thoughts.
His attention quickly shifted to me.

"Oh you're out. I was waiting but now we can finally go to bed." He said as he got under the covers. I, too, got into bed.
Once I got in, I rolled to my side to face Killua. He did the same.

"Killua...are you okay with sleeping on the floor..?" I could feel my whole body heat up.

"I don't really mind."
At this point, we were talking in hush voices.

"What I'm trying to say is..." I had to take a deep breath before continuing. "Would you like to share my bed..?"

"HUH??" He yelled out loud.

"SHHHHH!!" I immediately shushed him. Desperately telling him to keep quiet.

"S-sorry.." We both giggled quietly. "I guess I wouldn't mind. We are together, aren't we?" He responded, looking away.

I proceeded to move to the other side of the bed and held open the blanket. He reluctantly climbed in but as soon as we were both under the covers, he pressed me into his chest. He held me tightly as I stayed still for a few seconds, in shock.
Soon after, I held him in return.

"G-goodnight, Gon."
I snuggled my face into his neck.
"Goodnight Killua."

Though I remained silent, my mind was going crazy.
I felt all of my blood rush to my face.
He's... so warm though...
My embarrassing thoughts soon melted into loving ones.
I'm so glad to have him...

I fell asleep to the sound of Killuas heart beating.

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