-Fancy Dinner-

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Time skip—4 years

~Gons pov~

It's been 4 years since we moved to Whale Island. It's also been 4 years since me and Killua have been together. We are both now 19 and living on our own. Since Killua still wanted to be close to Alluka, we had our house be build next to Aunt Mito's.

I've never been so happy in my life.

"Hey Gon!" Killua called from the kitchen.

"Yeah what is it?"

"Do you want to go out for Dinner?" He asked, looking out the window above the sink. It was already getting dark outside.

"Yeah sure!" I felt my face heat up a little at Killua's question.
We both got ready and headed into town. As I was getting dressed, he requested I wear something a bit fancy. Though I was confused, I agreed.
Both of us were on skateboards since Killua finally taught me how to ride one.
Killua was riding ahead of me and motioned for me to stop. We both came to a halt in front of the nicest restaurant on Whale Island. Killua then took my hand and started to pull me towards the entrance.

"Woah woah woah—we're gonna eat here??" I was caught completely off guard.

"Well yeah. You don't want to?" He pouted a bit.

"I never said that! I'm just shocked is all..."

"Okay, then lets go in!" He continued to lead me inside.
Once we got in, he winked at the waiter and they led us to a private room.
Inside, was a fancy glass table accompanied by two chairs facing each other. I blushed as me and Killua took our seats.
The waiter asked for our drinks. Killua orders something classy while I just got orange juice. Killua made fun of me once the waiter left.

When the waiter came back with the drinks, we ordered dinner.

Almost an hour later;
Me and Killua were enjoying our meals when I noticed he was acting weird. He was shaky and was sweating quite a bit. I brushed it off and continued eating.
Suddenly, he stood up.
"Killua what are you—"

"Gon," He began, cutting me off. "These past years by your side have been the best of my life. Back at the mansion, I was lost. I didn't know what I wanted, what I needed, and just how to live. When I met you, everything changed for me. Suddenly, I knew what I wanted. And that was you. With your love and support, I have learned what I wanted and needed. I have learned how to be alive."
Tears began to form in his eyes as he took a deep breath. After a few seconds, he continued.
"I love you with all of my being. Every single ounce of me loves you." The tears that were building up were now dripping down his cheeks. His raw display of emotion made me tear up too.

"So Gon," He learned forward and got down on one knee. "Will you marry me?" In his hand, was a small black box. Within the box was a silver ring. A round emerald sat in the middle and smaller diamonds decorated the side. It almost seemed to be glowing, it was beautiful. Killua must've noticed me gawking at the ring because he gently picked up my hand, and slid it onto my ring figure. I felt tears stream from my eyes and roll down my cheeks. Without even thinking, I lunged for Killua.
We both laughed as I completely pummeled him go the ground in a tight hug. "So is it a yes?" He questioned.
I nodded vigorously.
Killua tightly embraced me in return as we both cried happy tears. I felt like my heart was going to explode, I was so happy.

After a few minutes, me and Killua pulled ourselves together and sat at the table. I couldn't stop looking at the ring.
"It's really nice isn't it?" Killua asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah it is! How much was it?" I questioned sheepishly.

"Haha! That doesn't matter you idiot. It was the perfect ring so the price didn't matter."
Just as I was about to lecture him about being irresponsible with his money, the waiter walked in.
They offered dessert but before I could say yes, Killua declined the offer. Before I had the chance to interject, Killua winked in my direction. Even after all of these years, he still makes me blush.


Afterwards, we skated back to our house. Killua asked me to open the door since he needed to tie his shoes. As I creek open the front door, loud cheers from the people inside erupt.
"CONGRATULATIONS!!!" Everyone yelled. I flinched hard at the sudden noice, this had completely caught me off guard.
I looked inside to see Leorio, Aunt Mito, Alluka, and even Ging. Everyone was smiling and laughing, I felt myself tear up again. Killua chuckled at my reaction and I face palmed, realizing he didn't even have laces. He got me good.
"Come here kiddo!" Leorio shouted walking up to me. I was then pulled into a tight embrace. I noticed Kurapika standing behind Leorio.

"Kurapika?!?" This was probably the biggest surprise of the night. I hadn't seen him in years.
"Hey Gon, congratulations." His warm and comforting voice hadn't changed one bit. I felt tears well up in my eyes for what felt like the 100th time today. Me and Leorio pulled away and I quickly hugged Kurapika.

"Haha—you've grown so much!" He said, commenting on our night difference.

"And you've only shrunk!" Killua laughed. His laugher soon turned into whining because Kurapika kicked him in the shins. We all laughed and I continued to walk around with Killua, greeting and thanking everyone for coming.
I can't explain it...I'm just so happy right now. So many great things have happened in such little time...
I couldn't stop smiling.

That's it. That's the end :,) I really hope you guys enjoyed this story. Like I said in previous chapters, I will be making another story soon so please check it out if you enjoyed this one<3

Thank you for all of your support!!

I love you dearly
-mama madlad

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