-God Speed-

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~Gons pov~

"Okay got it!" I responded.
I closed my eyes and tried my best to sense Illumi's aura. It was faint since he is skilled but I could definitely feel something from behind us. I looked around when I saw Illumi jumping from roof to roof, trying to keep up with Killua.

"He's jumping across roofs of buildings. What should we do?" I ask.
"As long as I'm using my nen, he'll be able to sense me. I think I should keep running until my god speed runs out and then we'll hide somewhere and conceal our auras." He paused allowing us both to think it over. "Does that sound good to you?"
"Yeah let's do it." I respond. "It's our best bet."
Once I gave the word he started running even faster. Amazed, I held on tighter.

He swiftly turned left in efforts of confusing Illumi. I continued to see if I could sense him but I couldn't. We either lost him or he was able to conseil his aura.
Either way, Killua had to keep running.

"Huh?" Killua said out loud. I noticed he was starting to slow down. "Not good. We need to find somewhere to hide." Shortly after, he came to a complete stop.
We looked around and saw a dumpster. Though it wasn't the cleanest option is was the safest. Killua held the lid open for me while I crawled in. I held the door next as he joined me in the dumpster. I quickly but quietly shut the lid and we both tried our best to conceal our auras.

About 25 minutes later:
I couldn't see anything. It was pitch black in the dumpster and it smelt awful. We both tried to put trash bags on top of ourselves so that if Illumi were to look in, he wouldn't notice right away.
It feels like we've been in here forever...I hope Killuas okay, I'm too afraid to ask out loud...

10 minutes pass (35 minutes total):
The sound of footsteps approaching the dumpster alarmed both me and Killua. A few seconds later the lid to the dumpster flew open. My heart sank. My chest got tight and I covered my mouth with my hands to help prevent myself from making noise. Suddenly, I felt a weight on top of me followed by the lid slamming shut.
Ohh it must've been someone throwing something out...I'm happy they weren't able to notice us!
Feeling a little reassured, I whispered to Killua. "How much longer should we stay?"

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