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~Killuas pov~

A loud, eager knock at the door woke both me and Alluka up. I look over at my alarm clock and it's 6am?!?
I rolled over and shut my eyes.

Not even a minute later I hear a louder, more annoying knock.

"Killuaaaa" Alluka groans. "Go answer the doorrrr."

Just as I was about to say no I remembered what happened.
Is it even possible that Illumi found us??
I quietly sneak over to the door and look through the peephole.
Huh? Is this some sort of trick?!
No one was there.

I slowly creaked the door open to see the door next to ours close.
Why the hell is the neighbor knocking this early in the morning?? I can't believe them, freaking me out like this. I thought Illumi found us again.
I felt rather cranky. Not only was I exhausted but I was afraid too.

I quickly closed the door and put on shoes.

Just as I my door opened again, so did his.

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