-Memories- (part 2)

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~Killuas pov~
*time skip 6 months

I'm running through the forest. Going as fast as I possibly can.

Gon, you idiot... what the hell do you think you're doing?

I finally come to an opening where I see a tall figure a few meters ahead of me. I shiver when I realize who it is. He then swiftly began to wind up his arm as he whispers to himself, "Rock....."

I kept trying to yell to him, to scream to him but I couldn't. I couldn't seem to say a word.


I started running.


Just as I was about to reach him I jolted awake. I felt tears run down my cheeks as I sat up in bed. That was one of the last times I ever saw Gon. I cried until I fell back asleep.

"killua........KILLUA!" Alluka shouted into my ear. "Time to wake up!!" She rocked back and forth on my bed till I finally sat up. I frown, remembering last nights dream. It's been forever hasn't it....

"What's wrong?" Alluka asked tilting her head to the side.

"Oh, nothing it's alright." I respond.

We both get dressed and leave our small apartment. "What do you want to do today?" I ask Alluka as we walk down the street.
"Hmmmm...." she takes a minute to think, lightly tapping her chin while looking up at the sky. "Maybe we can go shopping? Let's get some new clothes!" She requests excitedly.

"Alright sure, but only if we go to the candy store after. I'm running low on chocolate robots."
Me and Alluka have been traveling together in secret for about a year now. I've been trying my best to keep her safe and away from our family. Whenever I think we're okay, Illumi or my dad shows up. It's been stressful for sure, but I've never seen her this happy.

I made the right choice.


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