-Hiding Again-

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~Gons pov~

"I saw him...In the crowd...I saw Illumi.."

After hearing that, me and Killua began looking all around us. My eyes frantically looked for someone with dark black hair in the crowd.

"What was he wearing? Quick!" Killua demanded.

"U-um he was wearing a black kimono." Alluka managed to say between stutters. You could tell she was terrified.

Killua quickly scooped her up and we both began sprinting away from the festival.

"Killua, use gods speed to get away. I'll meet you where we hid last time."
Killua reluctantly agreed and we parted ways.

My plan was to get us our disguises.
As I darted across the city, I found a clothing store. I hurried in and quickly bought three black sweatshirts for all of us.
It was my best bet. I couldn't have him fallowing me home.

Once I was done, I took a longer root to get to the dumpster—in efforts of losing Illumi. Once I finally got to the dumpster, I climbed in and joined Killua and Alluka.
I handed both of them a sweatshirt.

"Hey, where did you get these?" Killua asked.

"I quickly stopped in a store and bought them. I didn't want Illumi to fallow me back to where we live."

I felt my face heat up a bit at the sudden compliment.
As I handed Alluka a sweatshirt, she said a quiet thank you. I gently patted her on the head to help her calm down.
Then, began the wait.

20 minutes in:
As we sat in both darkness and silence, I heard Killua move around to get comfortable. I suddenly felt a hand on top of mine.
"A-ah sorry!" Killua whisper yelled.
I barley even processed what happened until seconds later.
"Oh um i-it's alright..."
I felt thankful for the darkness, that way he couldn't see my bright red face.
After that, it was silent again.

A short while after, I had an idea.

I carefully reached over to where Killua was and felt around for his hand. He flinched when we made contact.
"Gon what are you-"

"Shhhh..." I interrupted.
I took his hand in mine and flipped it over so that his palm was facing upwards. Then, I gently began to write messages with my finger.
I softly wrote, "Are you okay?" on his palm.
He must've understood because after, he took my hand and wrote "Yeah I'm okay what about you?" He even pressed a question mark into my palm.

"I'm okay too."
I thought about what I wanted to say next...
"I'm sorry Illumi found you again."

"Thanks but it's okay, I'm more worried about Alluka."
I smiled at his concern for his sister.
He's such a good brother to her...

"Yeah me too, I wonder what happened exactly?"
After that, both me and Killua thought about it for a little while. After a few minutes, I reached for his hand again.
"I'm glad you're okay."

He scoffed lightly then wrote,"Whatever idiot."

I could tell he was flustered, his hands were a bit shaky. Now, I didn't want it to be dark anymore.

Another 20 minutes:
Me and Killua were in the middle of a conversation when I heard Alluka whisper; "Kill...how much longer?"
Her words almost startled me, her quiet voice cutting through the silence .

"Maybe just a little bit longer? It's been a while so let's just wait a few more minutes."


A few more minutes of silence pass before Killua got up.
"Common let's go. Put your hoods up." He said while slowly opening the dumpster lid.
Both me and Alluka carefully stepped out and we began walking back to our apartments.
We all kept our heads down.

A couple minutes into walking, I didn't hear the other twos' footsteps. I looked behind me, still walking, when I saw both of them had stopped. Killua looked surprised, terrified, and angry all at the same time. Just when I was about to see Alluka's face, I bumped into someone. I lost my footing, and ended up falling. I then went to apologize, but I realized who it was. I realized who was making Killua so terrified.
I heard Killua mutter under his breath, "You damn bastard..."

Before us, stood Illumi.

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