-The Outing Part 2-

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~Gon pov~

Me and Killua talked and laughed as we made our way back. Everything seemed to be going well.
Getting to talk to him one on one like this makes me feel a little safer...
I could feel my face heat up because of my thought. I quickly brushed it off and continued to direct my attention to getting back to Killuas place.

"Hey Gon, look!" Killua said pointing out a poster. "There's going to be some sort of festival coming up."
We both stoped to look at the details and realized it was a few weeks away.
"Hey maybe if we don't end up seeing Illumi for the next few weeks, we can go?" I suggested.

"Yeah!" He looked exited but his expression soon famished. "We can only if we see no sign of Illumi. It will get a lot hotter within these next few weeks so I don't think any of us will want to wear disguises. So as long as we're absolutely sure Illumi isn't around, we can go."

Talking to Killua made the time go by fast because before I knew it, we were already back. Killua unlocked the door and right as we walked in, Alluka lunged for both of us. She greeted us with a big hug, "I'm so glad you both are back safe!"
She then pulled away as quickly as she embraced us. "We're there any problems? Are you both okay? Is everything a-"

Killua cut her off, "Yes we're both okay." He patted her on the head and all three of us began to unpack the groceries.
Alluka laughed at the amount of choco robots Killua got. However she quickly stifled her laughter, trying not to blow Killuas cover; she realized I may not know about it yet. She hid behind her baggy sleeve in efforts to conceal her giggles, but it was no good. I revealed that I already found out at the grocery store and Alluka irrupted with laughter.
We both shared a good laugh while Killua crossed his arms, "Look it was a good plan!"
We then all began to laugh even though I could tell Killua was a little embarrassed.

Later that night:
We decided on curry for dinner. Alluka cut up vegetables, while I worked on rice. Killua was the one to actually make the curry though, he's the best out of the three of us when it comes to cooking.
Once it was finally done, we all sat down and enjoyed another meal together.
"Hey Alluka," I started. "Me and Killua saw this poster in town today. It's for an upcoming summer festival."

"That sounds like so much fun! Do you think we can go?" She began to smile wider than ever.

"Well it's in a few weeks and I think it would be safe to go if we don't end up seeing Illumi within that window. If we do see him, then we shouldn't. But if we don't see him then I think we could go!"

Allukas whole face lit up as she cheered. "I feel like it's been forever since I've been outside!"
I noticed Killua stopped eating for a second after Alluka said that.
Though I was confused, I brushed it off and continued talking to Alluka; "Yeah it'll be really nice for all of us to go have some fun together. Let's all hope we don't run into Illumi any time soon."

After an hour or two of talking, I decide to go back to my room and go to sleep. As I get up, Killua offered to walk me back.
Once we left the room, me and Killua stood outside, looking up at the sky.

A few seconds of silence pass when Killua decided to speak;
"Do you think I'm doing the right thing? For Alluka I mean."

He looked down at the passing cars in front of our apartment complex. His eyes were on the road but mine were on him.

"Yeah, I think you're doing a great job taking care of her!"
She seems so happy all the time, why does he doubt himself?

"You heard what she said though, about not being outside in forever. Is it really right of me to decide all of this for her? Is it right of me to keep her so closed off from everything? She probably feels like how she felt at our mansion."

"Everything you've done up until now has been in her best interest. I can tell she's more than grateful for that. Try not to doubt your actions so much, okay? You're in charge of both yourself and Alluka right now, everything you do needs to be done with confidence." I said
"There's no need to doubt yourself. I can tell she's happy when she's with you." I gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

To my surprise, he reached his hand over to place it on top of mine. My face grew warm as he thanked me for all my good advice.
"And thank you for being such a good friend. Now get some sleep okay?"
We both parted ways but...I felt weird.

Why am I bothered by him calling me a friend? That's all we are right?

The more I thought about things the more hot my face became.
Is it possible...I wish there was more..?

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