-The Outing Part 1-

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*A week later
~Killuas pov~

"Yup we're out of food." I said as I closed the fridge.
We haven't left the house in a week because of the Illumi incident, so we're basically out of food.

"But howww?" Alluka whined.

"Probably because there's 3 of us eating 3 meals everyday." Gon pointed out.

Alluka suggested take out again, but we've already had that for the past few days.
Gon also didn't have any food at his place because we usually hang out here.

"I think we're going to have to go grocery shopping." I said sighing. "We're going to have to go eventually."
This time, me and Gon both went in disguises. We also decided that it would be best if Alluka stayed home.

As we steadily make our way to the grocery store, I didn't notice any strange people. I asked Gon about it as we were walked and he didn't notice anything either.
Just because nothing is standing out, doesn't mean I should drop my guard...
I continued to look for anything out of the ordinary until we got to the grocery store.
It was pretty empty so I decided now was the perfect time to execute my plan.

Gon was pushing the carriage so I had to be sneaky. As we made our way through various isles, every now and then I would hide a choco robot under something in the carriage.
Once we had made it to the check out, I had gotten almost 20 in!
I distracted Gon while the cash register scanned all our items. We both split the bill and I was victorious.
Gon seemed to notice I was in a better mood than I was before; "Why do you look so happy?"
I smirked in reply.
"Is it because you were able to get quite a few choco robots?"
My smirk vanished.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I said looking away but I could feel his eyes on me.
"You don't think I noticed? Well to be fair I didn't really notice at first but when I saw that things started to shift around in the carriage after I looked away— I began to suspect something. That, and I saw the receipt."
"Man! I should've known!!" I groaned. While I was trying to escape with just a shred of dignity, Gon began to laugh.

I gently remind him that we still need to be undercover, we continued a causal conversation while whispering.

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