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~Gons pov~

Me and Killua decided on spaghetti and meatballs so we ordered from a nearby Italian place. We talked a bit to pass time.

Eventually the time came where we had to go pick it up.
"We'll be right back Alluka! We're just picking up dinner!" Killua shouted from the hall. He didn't move an inch until she shouted back in response.
He really is such a good older brother.

Before we left, Killua put on a big sweatshirt and put the hood up. He still has to be cautious for Allukas sake.

"Are you exited for dinner?" I ask breaking the silence.

"Yeah I am! They had pretty good reviews so let's hope they have good spaghetti." He responded.

"Mhm it will be like old times!"
As we're walking down the street, a tall figure dressed all in black rounds a corner. Me and Killua notice them at the same time. The conversation me and Killua were having was no more.
Just as they walk past us Killua swiftly grabs my hand and pulls me a little closer to him; creating distance between me and the stranger.
Only when we're a few blocks away from the stranger do I dare speak.
"Wow Killua that person was scary."

"Yeah I didn't get a good vibe from them. Let's try to be aware of our surroundings from now on."
I look over at him and notice the fear in his expression.

"I can't help but feel safe when I'm with you." I said smiling.
"W-what?" He responds looking all flustered.
"I mean it! I can always rely on you."
He looked away, rubbing the back of his neck, "Quit saying such embarrassing things alright?"
Once he looked forward again I could see that he didn't look as worried.
He must've been worried about protecting me...

Once we reach the Italian place; Killua decided he'd just wait outside while I go in. I agree and head into the restaurant.

Woooww it smells amazing in here!

I walk over to the register and ask for our order. An old woman handed me the bag of food while I handed her a twenty dollar bill. She gives me my change and I thank her for the food.
On my way out, I noticed a picture of the woman from the register with another woman who looked around the same age. The photo was labeled, "The Grand Opening, 1996". I felt a genuine smile spread across my face.
I'll have to ask that kind old woman about this photo some time.

As I leave the restaurant, I go over to where Killua was standing. I stopped immediately once I saw the same tall figure, this time with his hood down.

His silky black hair that spread across his broad shoulders shined in the moonlight. In one hand, there were a few gold needles. The other hand was reaching out towards Killua's forehead. Killua was pressing himself into the wall of the restaurant. I have never seen him make a more petrified expression. He looked as though he wanted to run far away as fast as he could, but he couldn't.
The two siblings made intense eye contact. Killua seemed like he wanted to look away but he was completely paralyzed. I too, felt paralyzed. Before I could observe anything else in that moment, I realized those same black eyes were now locked on me.

"I-Illumi...please...you can't..." Killua stammered.
My attention shifted to Killua.
Before I could even think, I bolted over to Killua; dodging Illumi's hand. I grabbed Killuas wrist and rounded the corner.

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