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~Killuas pov~

"How much longer should we stay?" Gon whispered to me. I thought about it before I gave him an answer;
Well if we go now there's still a possibility that Illumi is out there. So naturally it would be best to say longer but...Allukas at home. We're going to have to leave eventually.
"Just 10 more minutes. We can't stay out here much longer since Allukas still at home." I paused to think over my decision. "...yeah let's just stay a bit longer. Try to stay quiet till then."
He agreed and we spent another 10 minutes in silence.

10 minutes later:
Gon and I quietly emerged from the dumpster, still concealing our nen. We tried to look around on our way back to my place to see if Illumi was still around. We walked in ally's until we got back.

Once we were back, I quickly shut all the blinds and turned off all the lights.
Maybe I should get another lock for the door too...Id have to talk to the landlord about it.
While I was shutting all the blinds, Gon was checking on Alluka. I hurried over while he was closing the door.
"She was asleep, I woke her up though when I opened the door. She said she was worried and wanted to stay up but ended up falling asleep." He chuckled a bit.
I felt relieved afterwards.
"Well I still have the Italian food but I'm not sure if it would still be good after sitting in the dumpster for over a while."

We ended up throwing it out and just making cup noodles. It tasted amazing since I was starving.
Shortly after Gon decided to head back to his place since it was late.
"Are you okay after all this?" Gon asked me, looking worried.

"Yeah yeah I'm alright. I just need to sleep." I said laughing a bit.

Gon gave me a smile, but I could still tell what I said didn't make much of a difference.
"Goodnight then!" He said as he closed the door.
I locked the door and headed back to my room. I closed the closet door and said goodnight to Alluka. I stood in front of my bed for a second, thinking;
He was worried about me....

I got into bed and began to drift into sleep.
He was....worried...

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