-Our Time Together-

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~Killuas pov~

After me and Gon said goodnight, I went back inside. Alluka said she wasn't tired so she decided to stay in the living room and watch some tv.
I then decided to get ready for bed.

Once I was done I got under the covers and allow my mind to wonder until I fell asleep;
I'm so relieved everything worked out today. I had a lot of fun spending time with Gon...
I rolled over to lay on my side.

I'd like to go to that festival with him; and to see him dressed so formally—

I felt my face flush bright red.
What am I thinking.....wait, no maybe I shouldn't always push these thoughts away...it is kinda nice to think about...

My whole body grew fuzzy as I thought about our time at the festival. I smiled happily; thinking about how much fun we'd have together.
Eventually, I fell asleep.

I opened my eyes to find myself in a hallway. Along the walls were more doors than I could count. All the way at the end of the hallway was yet another door, although it was slightly larger than the rest. As I progressed down the hallway, I had urges to open the doors, but I just kept walking forward. I knew I had to get to the end of the hallway.
Once I finally approached the final door, I hesitantly reached for the door knob. As I creaked it open, light from the other side came flooding into the dreary hallway.

There before me was an open field with the clearest blue sky I have ever seen. I then timidly entered the field. I walked cautiously through the tall grass that swayed with the gentle breeze. I heard laughing coming from far away. I began to walk towards the noise and suddenly, I stood before Alluka and Gon. They sat together laughing and weaving flowers together to make crowns.
After a few seconds of staring they noticed me.
"Oh, Killua, you're finally here! Come sit next to me!" Gon said smiling, gesturing to the empty spot next to him. I walked over and sat down.
"Here, take this." Gon gently placed the flower crown he was crafting atop my head. He looked at me with such kind eyes.
Him and Alluka then began to laugh.
"What? Does it look weird on me?" I asked, feeling a sudden rush of embarrassment.

"No, not at all." Gon said as he reached for my hand.
He carefully placed his hand on top of mine. I looked at our hands, and back up at him. He smiled so genuinely—so brightly I couldn't help but smile back.
I felt content.
Before I knew it, the world began to chip away. Suddenly, Gons shinning image began to crumble. Terrified, I held onto the remaining pieces of him, begging him not to go. I felt tears well up in my eyes as he said, "Please don't cry, I'll see you soon." In his fleeting moments, he gave me one last smile.
I then began to hear a loud pounding, though I wasn't able to differentiate the pounding and my own heart beating.

I then jolted awake.

After a few seconds, I figured out the pounding was Gon knocking.
I rushed over to the door and once I opened it, I sighed in relief.
He's okay...
"Hey Killua! Is something wro-"
I lowered my head and allowed it to rest on Gons shoulder. Though he seemed caught off guard, he gently rubbed my head until I backed away.

"Sorry about that, I'm just tried."
I found myself rubbing the back of my neck shyly, looking down at the ground.

"Oh um—" Gon began. "I don't mind...really."
I looked back up at him, and his face was bright red.

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