-Strange Feelings-

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~Killuas pov~

Me and Gon talked on the porch for what felt like hours.

I don't think I've felt such genuine happiness before. Of corse I love spending time with Alluka but....something about Gon is different....

It began to get dark so me and Gon went back inside. Together, we made more porridge for Alluka. I also gave her some cold medicine to help make her feel better. Once we left my room we went to the living room.
I love Alluka to death but I had a lot of fun having Gon all to my self today.
I felt my face become warm.
What the hell am I thinking??!?! When did I start having such selfish thoughts..?

"Killua!" Gon shouted at me.
"O-oh what is it?"
"You were spacing out for a while there, are you feeling okay?" He looked at me with concern. "And your face is a bit red too."

"Yeah I feel fin-" before I could finish my thought, Gon pushed my bangs back and pressed his forehead to mine.
"Hmm you feel pretty normal."

"H-hey!" I said pushing him away.

"What's wrong? I'm just trying to make sure you're okay." Gon said pouting.

I immediately felt bad.

"No it's okay I understand...it's just that-"
I sighed. "I've just had a lot on my mind today, that's all."

Gon still looked a bit sad.
"You just surprised me, okay? Anyway, what do you want for dinner?" I tried to change the subject.

"Hmmm...I don't know. We've done a lot of cooking today. How about we order something or go out?" Gon suggested.
I felt my face heat up again.
Go out to dinner...with Gon.....alone....

"Are you sure you're feeling alright?" Gon asked politely.
"YES YES I FEEL FINE! Let's just order something and call it a night."

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