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Quick note: I added this song just in case y'all want to cry🥲

~Gons pov~

I barely slept a wink last night! I was too exited to go meet my new neighbor.
It was 6am and I walked over. I was a bit shy so I didn't knock too loud, since it's still early.

I waited a few seconds but no one answered.
Maybe it's too early? They might be asleep still, I just have to knock louder!

I knocked much louder this time but still no response...
Maybe I should just let them sleep.
I sigh as I walk back through my door, back to my room. As I'm taking off my shoes I suddenly heard the door open next door.
Oh I must have woken them up now! I should probably go apologize.

As I open the door, my heart drops.

~Killuas pov~

Before I can even say a word Gon lunges into me, giving me a tight hug. I felt the anger I had just a few seconds ago vanish.

The warmth of his embrace made my face feel hot

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The warmth of his embrace made my face feel hot. "Gon! W-what are you doing...here" I said between voice cracks. Before I knew it, I was crying. Gon looked back up at me and he was crying too. I hugged him tightly back.
"I've missed you so much Killua! I really really missed you!" Gon said pressing his face into my chest.
He....he said he really missed me.
More tears fall as my mind dissects what he said. I held him tightly for what felt like forever.
For some reason, I felt sad when he pulled away. He must've noticed because right after he said "I just want to look at you. It's been a long time after all!"
I could feel my face heat up again. "Idiot! Besides what are you doing knocking at peoples doors at 6am?!"

"Well I wanted to see who my neighbor was. I must've really lucked out huh?"

"Quit saying such stupid things! Common let's go inside it's freezing out here." I said walking back inside. Gon fallowed close behind.

Though I'm annoyed he never seems to stop saying such embarrassing things.... I can't stop smiling...

HEY GUYS! It's mama here❤️ I don't know who made the art in today's chapter but I thought it was very cute. I didn't make it and unfortunately I don't know who did😔

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