-Best Friends-

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Hey bitches I'm back >:3 I wrote an extra long chapter to make up for my break. Get ready for the next chapter!!

~Gons pov~

Me and Killua wiped our tears as we walked into his apartment.
Oh wow our rooms look identical!
"You want some tea or something?" Killua asks as he leads me to the kitchen.

"Yeah sure that sounds nice."
I took a seat at the kitchen table while Killua prepared some tea. I was nervous that things would be awkward once we met up, but everything felt like how it did a year ago. I'm so relieved.

"Hey Killua who are you-" Alluka began, walking into the kitchen yawning. She stopped in shock, "Gon?!? That was you who was knocking?"

I laughed a bit "Yup! Sorry about that." I say looking over at Killua. He brushed it off as he poured me a cup of tea.

All three of us talked and laughed till late in the afternoon.
He told me about the places where him and Alluka have been. Along with how they ran into Illumi and why they ended up here.
I decided I'd also keep a low profile.
I don't want to cause Killua any problems!

Hours pass and it's just about time for dinner. Since we both just moved in, neither of us had any food.
"Maybe we can order something? I don't know how safe it would be if me and Alluka went out."

"Yeah that's fine! I totally get it! What should we order then?" I questioned out loud.
A few moments pass, "Maybe we can just order a pizza?" Alluka suggested.
Me and Killua look at each other. I smile while shrugging.
"Well looks like we'll get pizza tonight!" Killua stated as Alluka cheered.

Though it's just dinner, it meant a lot to me. This would be the first meal I've had with my best friend in a year!
After Killua called a local pizza place, we continued our conversation from earlier. Catching each other up about what's been going on.
Eventually, the pizza comes and we all dig in!

I haven't had this much fun in forever. I've been smiling so much it hurts!
I grinned to myself.
This is exactly where I want to be.

After an hour or two I finally decide I should go home.
"Thank you so much for having me over! I really had a great time!"

"Whatever idiot, you know your welcome anytime." Killua scoffed.
Right as I open the door to leave, Killua shouts "Wait Gon! Let me walk you back!"

"Killua I live next door." I sigh.

"Still I-" He stops. He looked nervous and on edge.
My mind skips to when he told me about what happened with Illumi.

"Alright come walk me back! It'll be fun!"
He looked a little more relaxed once I said that.
Once the door closes I walk out to the railing and look up at the sky. Killua joins me and stands by my side. I can feel his eyes on me.

"It's a beautiful night isn't it?" I point out. It feels like the night we went star gazing on whale island.
I smile to myself, reflecting on the memory.
I look over at Killua, the way the moonlit sky lit up his crystal blue eyes. It caught me off guard.
We maintained eye contact for a few seconds before he sheepishly turned away.
"Gon I-" he sighed. "I just wanted to say that, I'm glad you knocked on my door this morning."
I know it's hard for Killua to say stuff like this. So the fact that he said that much meant a lot to me.

"Thank you Killua." I place my hand on his shoulder.
"I should be getting to bed now! Goodnight!" I wave smiling at Killua.

For some reason, I could see a deep sadness in his eyes as I left.

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