-The Ship-

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~Killuas pov~

I have never felt so happy in my life. I laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling. I rolled to my side and gently rubbed the spot where Gon kissed me.
I was so exited, I couldn't sleep.
My happiness soon vanished as I began to think;
But....why does Gon like me? He deserves someone better...so why me...?
I took off the ring Gon gifted me and felt around it. It was cold and a bit heavy for something so small.
Why would he choose someone like me..?
I slid the ring back on and closed my eyes.
My mind would've gone in circles, questioning why Gon had feelings for me, but I soon fell asleep.

I jolted awake to the sound of Gon knocking at the door. I drowsily walked over and answered it. I was startled by the bouquet of flowers that Gon greeted me with. I felt my entire body heat up, memories of last night came flooding in.
"Morning Killua! T-these are for you. Also I'm all packed and ready to go."
My attention shifted to the suitcase he had in his hand.

"Ah! Shit I forgot to pack last night."

"It's okay, we have time so don't worry."

I started to pack up my things as Gon woke Alluka up. He carefully explained the plan and she understood.
"One question though...what's that ring you have on your figure?" She asked, pointing to Gons ring.

"Oh! It's like a promise ring!" He responded joyfully.

"A promise with who?"

I held up my hand and Alluka gasped. "A-are you guys finally a thing?!?"

Gon nodded vigorously.
They both laughed while I nearly died from embarrassment.
"Yes we are, now get your things packed up."

Once we were all ready to go, we went to the dock. Fully dressed in disused, we waited patiently for the ship to come.

When it finally arrived and we all went to board the ship. I excitedly ran ahead to the wooden bridge but saw a familiar face standing at the other end.
I couldn't breath. I couldn't move. His image caught me so completely off guard. Just when I thought I could get away, he shows up again.

"Kill." He began as he walked down to where I was. He placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm...I'm happy for you..."
He removed his hand and dashed away. My panic vanished as Gon and Alluka caught up with me.

"Was that Illumi?? Are you okay?? Did he hurt you-"

I quickly cut Gon off.
"I'm okay! I think...that whole interaction was really weird."
I explained what happened to them both as we all got on the ship.

"Maybe this is him giving his blessing? Like he's allowing you to live your life now." Gon suggested.

"Hmm...I'm really not sure. Besides, I don't need his dumb blessing."

After a few minutes the ship set sail.

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