-The Festival-

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~Killuas pov~

It's been a few weeks since we saw Illumi. It feels like forever ago but it was only about a month since then. It's now mid summer.
The festival is today; so me, Alluka, and Gon decided to go since we haven't seen Illumi in a while. I thought it would be good for us to get out of our apartment. However, we still needed to get clothes to wear. We all went down to a local shop where they sold beautiful fabrics and kimonos/yukatas for festivals like this. They sold a lot of other things, but we were mainly looking for kimonos and yukatas.

After about an hour of looking around and trying things on, we each finally decided on what we wanted. Plus, they gave us a deal since they thought Alluka was adorable.

Time flew by and it was finally time for the festival:
I, myself, wore a dark blue and white yukata with a matching koshihimo (the belt thing) wrapped around my waist. The kimono was a solid blue with thick and thin white stripes running vertically across the fabric. It was simple, but I thought it fit me well.
As for Alluka, she wore a pink and red checkered kimono with small flowers embroidered into various parts of the kimono. She had a mid tone green koshihimo along with a small yellow bag. Her hair was up in a bun, being held together by two hair sticks. Each stick had a small pink cherry blossom charm that made a slight jingle whenever she moved around.
Finally, Gon had on a dark emerald/forest green Kimono. Along the sleeves was a very intricate and beautiful embroidery design. Right along the edge of the fabric, where the sleeve ended, was a flower and lace-like pattern. The embroidery was in a shade lighter than the color of the Kimono.
It really suits him. He looks really good in it.
My face felt warm as I stared at him, dressed in his Kimono.
I've never really seen Gon dressed nicely before. I've only ever seen him in his casual clothes...!
I quickly turned around and held my hands together, in a praying like stance.
Thank you to whoever invented festivals!
I saluted in their honor.

At the festival:

My jaw almost dropped at the sight of such a beautiful scene. Strings of golden lanterns connected from stand to stand. I heard laughter and chattering coming from all around me. Dozens of people stood dressed in kimonos and yukatas, it had such a inviting atmosphere.
"Oh wow! It's such a beautiful afternoon!" Alluka beamed.
I didn't have the guts to tell her to keep her voice down. She just seems so happy.

We walked around to various stands and played quite a few games. However, no matter how hard I tried, I kept finding myself starting at Gon.
I smiled.
He's always been so bright.....
"Hey, are you alright?" Gon asked.
I didn't realize I was staring long enough for him to notice.
Embarrassed, I said everything was fine.
Only after I responded to Gon, did I realize how terrible I truly felt.
I had such a distinct pain in my chest. The more I looked at him; he greater the pain grew. I stared intensely at the back of his head. Both him and Alluka were walking in front of me. I had a similar feeling all the time when we were younger. Every time I was around Gon, I'd feel this aching in my chest....

I found myself grabbing lightly onto Gons sleeve, preventing him from walking forward. Alluka noticed and stopped walking too.
What am I doing?
Gon looked back at me with confusion.
I stood there for a few seconds before I began to speak.
"....I think I love you..."

I couldn't hear a thing for what felt like hours.

"Sorry—" He began. "What did you say?" Gons voice cut through the silence and suddenly the noise of the festival came flooding into my ears.
I looked back up at Gon. I could feel my face grow hotter and hotter. I just realized what I said.

"I-i-its nothing!" I said letting go of his sleeve. I raised my hand to my face, blocking Gons view. A few seconds go by and when I go to look at Gon again, his face was directly in front of mine. Flustered, I tried to back up but Gon kept inching closer to me. I wanted to run away.
He tilted his head, "Was it really nothing? You look a bit flustered over nothing!" He teased.
I used one hand to block my face and the other to push his away. I could hear Alluka laughing in the background.
Gon then linked arms with me. "You don't have to tell me. Don't worry, I won't be upset."
As we continued walking I looked down at Gon.
Did—did he hear..? Why did I say that? Is that really how I feel about Gon..?
I can't think about this right now. I should just try to enjoy the festival...right?

While lost in thought, I felt Gon tug on my arm. I looked over at him and his whole face was lit up; "Killua! They have caramel apples! Do you want to get one?"

"Um, sure. Let me tell Alluka." I then called over to Alluka, who was walking in front of us, that Gon wanted to get caramel apples.
She nodded and Gon lead me to the stand.
I never really noticed our hight difference before. I must be taller by at least four inches. Maybe five...
Before I knew it, we were at the stand.

"Three caramel apples please."
As we're waiting, I notice Alluka trying to subtly get my attention. We make eye contact and she gestured to Gons arm interlocked with mine. I look down at our arms, and then back at her. She raised her eyebrows, smirking. I flicked her in the forehead.

"Here you three go! Have a wonderful night."
Gon thanked the person running the stand and we continued walking. I watched Gon from the corner of my eye in efforts to see his reaction to the first bite.
After he bit into the apple, he made a soft expression, one of contentment and satisfaction. He simply looked happy.

He suddenly looked up at me and grinned widely, "It's really good!"

A short while after:
As we walking around, looking at all the stands I realized that Gon wasn't with us anymore. He had somehow removed his arm from around mine without me noticing. I looked around and saw that he was staring at something an older lady was selling. As he stared intently at her display of objects I couldn't quite see, I heard him ask "How much for this one?"
I wasn't able to hear the woman's response.
Gon didn't even hesitate when he reached into his wallet and handed her a big stack of bills.
Oh boy, what is he buying now? Gon is usually responsible with his money but what is he buying for that much??

Me and Alluka waited patiently for Gon to finish up with his purchase. He looked so exited once the woman handed him the bag. When he realized that we were waiting for him, he hurried over and said "Sorry about that! I just wanted to get something."

"Well what did you get?" I asked.

He looked a bit caught off guard, "Oh it's a bit personal.."

"Well you better not have payed over price! I saw how much money you pulled out of your wallet! I know how bad you are at math."

"Don't worry it was worth it!" Gon responded, trying to reassure me.

"Yeah it better have been. Common let's keep going." After, we continued walking. I shyly lifted my arm, inviting Gon to interlock arms again. He quickly did so, as if I'd change my mind.

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