-Reaching out-

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~Gons pov~

As I delete what feels like my 100th draft text to Killua, I begin to wonder; should I even reach out to him? I'm sure he's busy with Alluka, I don't want to get in the way.

"Hey Killua! It's been forever since we've talked, how are you?" Ugh it sounds too chèche!

"Hey Killua! How's traveling with Alluka going?" Now it just sounds like I'm bashing him for choosing to travel with her and not me!!

Why can't I just-?!
I then bursted into tears of frustration. "Why can't I just talk to my best friend like a normal person?!?" I ask out loud.
"Hey Gon I'm back from the market!" Ging shouts over to me as he walks through the door. His whole demeanor changed when he realized I was crying.

He quietly walked over to me, sat down, and told me to "let it out" while rolling his eyes. I then sobbed into my hands explaining how much I've missed Killua. I didn't realize how much I'd miss his presence when I said goodbye.
I finally finish explaining and a few minutes of silence goes by. "Are you done yet?" Ging asks.

"Yeah..I think so." I say between sniffles.
"So basically, you're upset because you miss your friend. That and you don't think you can message him because you feel like you're intruding on his time with his sister."
"Well yeah."
"Idiot." He says hitting me on the head.
"Owww what was that for!?"
"If you guys are really best friends, then he wouldn't mind you reaching out. Even if he is busy doing other things. Would you be angry or upset if he reached out to you?"
I shake my head no.
"That's because you two are good friends. You make time for each other when you can. That's what it means to be a friend."

As always, Ging gave me good advice. Even though he acts like he doesn't want to be here listening to me babble, he always manages to say exactly what I need to hear.

"Thank you Ging, for everything."

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