-York New-

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~Killuas pov~

Me and Alluka have been living in this small apartment for about a year now. I made sure it was in the middle of nowhere so that my family couldn't find us. I was so sure that it was the perfect spot. But here we are. Me and Alluka were walking to the grocery store when I spotted Illumi from a few blocks away. We made direct eye contact.

Before he could even react I grab Allukas hand and start sprinting. As I'm using gods speed, I put my hat on Alluka and put my hood up in efforts to hide us a little better. I sprint down an ally and hid behind a dumpster. I quickly use zetsu to stop Illumi from seeing my aura.

Though the ally is dark I can see the fear in Allukas eyes.
"W-what's going on..?" She whispers to me. Tears started to form when I told her what was happening.
Damn it! How the hell did he manage to find us...

We stay there for a little over an hour to make sure the cost is clear. I made sure we only took backroads to make sure he didn't find us.

-Later that night-
"Alright I'm going to bed now." Alluka called over to me.
"Wait Alluka! Can you sleep in my closet tonight? It has no windows...just in case."
She nodded, looking a bit scared. I went over to her and patted her head. "No need to worry, your big brother will keep you safe." She looked up at me and gave me a smile.
I set up a makeshift bed in my closet and Alluka laid down. "Don't open the door for anyone okay? I'll knock three times in the morning to let you know it's okay to come out."
"Okay I will." She responded, looking frightened. I gave her a tight hug.
"I promise to keep you safe."

I barley got any sleep. I stayed up all night sitting in front of the closet thinking of a new place we can stay. I quietly packed up all my things and decided I'd help Alluka with hers tomorrow.
After a lot of thinking, I decided that York New would be the best spot. It's super crowded so it'll be easier to blend in. And if it comes down to it, I can fight at heavens arena to get money for us. I still have plenty in my savings but it's a good back up plan. We'll head there tomorrow morning. Together.

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