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~Gons pov~

I rushed out of Killuas place and went straight into mine. As I slammed the door behind me; I felt hot tears slide from the corners of my eyes, down my cheeks, and finally drop to the floor.
I just wanted—
My face scrunched up.
I just wanted him to ask for my help!
I let out soft cries as I slid off my shoes.

Killua is being so strong right now, I just want to help him. But I know how close him and Alluka are, I don't want to come between them. I just don't know how to help him right now...

I sat down on my bed and thought hard about our conversation.
I'm just trying to squeeze myself into their lives. Killua is the only person Alluka has right now...I can't come between that...
I lay down and look up at the ceiling.
It would just be wrong of me...
I felt a tear slide down the side of my face, and before I knew it; I had fallen asleep.

Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door.
I must've fallen asleep...

I got up and drowsily opened the door.
There stood Killua, looking a bit shy. Everything that happened came rushing back to me.
"I'm really sorry for snapping at you Gon, it's just that everything that has happened recently has been really eating away at me." He was looking down at his shoes.

"Hey," I started, he looked back up at me. "Don't worry about it! And honestly...I'm sorry too. I know you and Alluka are close, I shouldn't come between you guys—" Killua quickly cut me off.

"You could never!" He looked shocked for a minute before he kept speaking; "Alluka loves having you around and—" His head dipped and he was looking back at the ground. "So do I..."

I then realized that we were back on good terms, so I decided to tease him.
"Sorry what?"


"Oh I just didn't hear you? Can you say it again?" I asked playfully as I held my hand to my ear.

"Oh I see what you're doing." He rolled his eyes, "I'll say it again—" I felt my face light up. "In your dreams!" He finished as he stuck out his tongue.

"You're no fun." I said pouting as he began to laugh. Once we settled down, I invited him in.

Hello my little rock children,
Sorry for the short chapter!!
I'll try and update tomorrow to make up for it❤️❤️

I love you so so much,
Mama madlad

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