Chapter 34 Debbie's birthday

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It's Debbie's birthday
Chloe walls up to Debbie and Sarah
Chloe: happy birthday Sis
Debbie: thank you (Chloe hugs Debbie and Chloe passes her a card)
Sarah: so how are you doing then?
Chloe: yeah I'm good, Jacob won't stop fussing
Debbie: well I would make the most of it if I were you
Sarah: yeah, it's like having your own slave
Chloe: well there's that (they laugh) So what have you got planned then Debs?
Debbie: I'm thinking drinks in the woolpack tonight, bring Jacob
Chloe: wouldn't it be a bit awkward? Dad giving him glares the whole night
Debbie: eh, people will have to get used to it, when the baby is here, he'll be seeing loads of us
Chloe: yeah I guess
Sarah: come on mum, me and Chlo said we would treat you to breakfast in the cafe
Debbie: ah no can do
Sarah: what? Why?
Debbie: I have a meeting, to do with the business
Sarah: your working on your birthday?
Debbie: yes well people still have to work on there birthday, we can't all just go of and do what we want. Look I'll see you later (Debbie kisses Sarah's head) and you Chlo, take it easy
Chloe: yes I know (Debbie walks away)
Sarah: when is she going to realise that there's more to life then work?
Chloe: well we'll just go to the cafe and with Debs out the way, we can get the woolpack ready for tonight
Sarah: yeah, come on (Chloe and Sarah walk)

Chloe and Sarah are in the cafe
I decline a call from Jacob
Sarah: was that Jacob?
Chloe: yeah he keeps fussing, I'll text him
Sarah: I wouldn't mind a guy fussing over me
Chloe: yeah well I'm not Ill, I need space and today's Deb's day, I don't want anything getting in the way (Cain walks in)
Sarah: ah grandad just in time
Cain: what's all this then?
Sarah: mums working so me and Chlo are just chilling
Chloe: yeah
Sarah: so I'll have a double chocolate milkshake please
Chloe: yeah and I'll have the same please
Cain: oh is this all you want me for?
Sarah: pleasee grumpy
Cain: alright then
Chloe: oh and I'll also have extra large chips please (they look at Chloe weirdly) what? I'm eating for 2 and a girl needs to eat
Cain: coming right up (Cain goes to the counter)

Cain sits next to Sarah
Cain: so what have you two got planned for today then?
Chloe: going to the woolpack, setting it up for Deb's birthday celebrations
Cain: shouldn't you be leaving it to Chas and your mum?
Chloe: not you too. Dad, I'm fine
Sarah: yeah she has me
Cain: alright
Chloe: so how's Moira?
Cain: yeah she seems to be getting there. Issac's fine, he's settling a lot more now
Chloe: well if you ever need a babysitter to give you and Moira a break, you know where I am
Cain: Thanks kid (Cain smiles at Chloe)

Chloe and Sarah are at the woolpack with Charity, Chas and Marlon
Chloe: so Marlon let's talk food
Marlon: how many am I Cooking for?
Chloe: well what I was thinking is a spread
Chas: Chloe, I don't think that many people will come
Sarah: well a spread will be enough to feed all of the Dingles
Marlon: a spread? I haven't got time to make a spread
Chris: then make time
Marlon: but
Sarah: Marlon, we want this to be perfect for mum so no buts. Now if you don't mind, we would like a spread, pronto
Chloe: Yeah chop chop Marlon (Marlon goes through to the back and Chloe and Sarah laugh and high five)

Chloe and Sarah are putting up a banner
Charity: here Chloe, let me do it
Chloe: no thank you, we're alright (they get down and they look at the banner) perfect
Sarah: yeah mums so going to love it
Chas: she's so lucky to have you kids
Sarah: well were lucky to have her
Chloe: definitely. I can't believe she's 28
Charity: I know you kids grow up too fast
Sarah: well this is Cringe
Chloe: I know, tell me about it (they laugh)

Chloe is carrying a box
Charity walks over
Charity: Chloe, what are you doing? You can't carry that in your condition
Chloe: mum, I'm pregnant, not ill
Charity: just give it here
Chloe: no mum, just get off
Charity: Chloe, I'm trying to help (Chloe puts the box on the table and she turns around)
Chloe: if you really want to help, then give me space, stop fussing. I'm sick of everyone treating me like a invalid. you, Dad, Jacob, Debbie
Charity: we just don't want you to over do it
Chloe: and I won't, but what I don't need is you lot in my face (Chloe phone rings) now I have to get this (Chloe walks away and answers her phone) Jacob?
Jacob: hey, I haven't heard from you since this morning, are you okay?
Chloe: yeah I'm fine, just sorting out drinks for Debs birthday
Jacob: well do you need any help?
Chloe: no I'm alright, the family are helping
Jacob: yeah but I could still come
Chloe: oh for goodness sake, Jacob just give me space
Jacob: what?
Chloe: I just want everyone to stop fussing
Jacob: just calm down, stress isn't good for you or the baby
Chloe: the only ones that are causing me stress is you lot. Look, I'll just call you tomorrow or something, i have to go (Chloe hangs up)

Chloe and the Dingles are In the woolpack
Sarah runs in
Sarah: mum's coming (Sarah stands next to me and I pick Jack up)
Chloe: so Jack, when mummy comes in, we all have to shout surprise, got it kid?
Jack: got it Chloe (Chloe and Sarah laugh and Debbie walks in)
Everyone: surprise
Debbie: woah what's all this?
Sam: your birthday drinks
Belle: yeah, Sarah and Chloe did most of the work
Debbie: I thought i said a quiet drink?
Sarah: with a family like ours? Your kidding aren't you? (They laugh)
Debbie: well thanks guys (Debbie hugs Sarah, Jack and Chloe)
Lisa: happy birthday Love
Debbie: thanks Lisa (Debbie hugs Lisa)

Chloe is at the bar with Liv
Leanna and Poppy walk in
Liv: what are they doing here?
Chloe: no idea (Chloe walks over to Leanna and Poppy) what do you two want?
Leanna: to talk
Chloe: well the pubs closed, family only
Leanna: well it won't take long
Poppy: yeah I just wanted to apologise, properly
Chloe: we'll go outside (Chloe walks outside with Leanna and Poppy) so let me get this straight, you want to apologise?
Leanna: yeah she does, Poppy Wants to change
Poppy: well I actually didn't say that
Leanna: what? But you said you would be nicer
Poppy: well I lied, do you honestly expect me to be nice to that Skank?
Chloe: so this is just another one of your sick games?
Poppy: yeah, so it is
Chloe: why?
Poppy: well it's worth it just to see your pathetic face. I mean talk about gullible, did you actually think I would want to be your friend? Sad or what?
Leanna: Poppy stop it (Chloe moves closer to Poppy)
Poppy: your just a slapper who got pregnant, I don't think anyone will want to be your friend, a saddo with no mates
Chloe: what have I ever done to you? I just get on with things and your always their making digs
Poppy: yeah well just your face gives me bother, why don't you just do us all a favour and leave? I mean it's not like anybody will miss you (Tears roll down Chloe's cheeks) aww look Leanna, she's crying. Not so tough now are you?
Leanna: Chloe
Chloe: just leave it (Chloe is about to walk away)
Poppy: where do you think your going? (Poppy pulls on Chloe's arm and turns her around and Chloe falls back)
Leanna: Chloe (Chloe knocks her head and she passes out)

I hope you like this chapter, find our what happens In the next chapter :-)

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