Chapter 14 fall outs

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Chloe walks up to Jacob
Jacob: hey
Chloe: hi
Jacob: I'm really sorry about yesterday
Chloe: yeah, me too
Jacob: do you want to grab something to eat?
Chloe: Jacob I would love to (Chloe and Jacob walk over to the cafe)

Chloe and Jacob are sat opposite each other in the cafe
gabby walks in
Gabby: hey, what are you two doing in here?
Chloe: nothing, just hanging out (gabby sits next to Jacob)
Gabby: Jacob, what are you doing next week?
Jacob: I'm not sure, why?
Gabby: well how would you like to go to the cinema?
Jacob: alright then, but is Chloe coming too?
gabby: no, that's the thing, I was kinda hoping it would be a date (Jacob looks at Chloe)
Jacob: I'll have to see what I'm doing but I don't see why not
Chloe: look I have to go, my dad will be wondering where I am (Chloe stands up)
Gabby: alright then, do you want us to come with you?
Chloe: no I'll be alright, I'll see you later (Chloe walks out)

Chloe walks in the house and Moira and Cain are sat at the table
Moira: what's wrong?
Chloe: nothing
Moira: well somethings put you in a mood
Chloe: I'm fine
Cain: chlo
Chloe: dad I said I'm fine. I'm going to my room, I'm tired (Chloe walks into the living room and she goes upstairs)

Chloe is walking and she sees Debbie and Pete
I walk over to them
Chloe: debs, how was your overnight break?
Debbie: it was amazing
Pete: yeah it was good to get away
Debbie: are you okay chlo?
Chloe: I'm fine
Debbie: you sure?
Chloe: yeah, just had a falling out with a mate
Debbie: Jacob?
Chloe: I didn't say that
Debbie: you didn't have to, your forgetting, I know you better then anyone
Pete: why don't you come back to ours?
Debbie: and then you can tell me all about what happened
Chloe: I should probably go home, I didn't tell dad I was going out
Debbie: don't worry about him, I'll text him, he'll be alright
Chloe: alright then (Debbie puts her arm around Chloe and the three of them walk to Debbie's)

Chloe is sat at Debbie's
Chloe is on the sofa and Debbie hands her a cuppa tea and sits down next to her
Debbie: What happened the other day with Jacob?
Chloe: we had an argument
Debbie: about gabby?
Chloe: yeah. Today was really weird, I was in the cafe with Jacob and gabby came in and she asked Jacob out on a date
Debbie: what did he say?
Chloe: he... he said yes
Debbie; oh Chloe
Chloe: I don't even know why I'm upset, it's not like we were ever going out
Debbie: yeah but you liked him
Chloe: that's obviously not good enough
Debbie: chlo he's just a loser who doesn't realise a good thing when he has it
Chloe: thanks debs (Debbie hugs me)

Chloe is walking and Jacob walks up to her
Jacob: chlo (Chloe carries on walking) Chloe. I don't know why your in a mood for (Chloe turns round)
Chloe: you really don't know?
Jacob: well I know gabby asked me out and I said yes
Chloe: yeah exactly. We kissed Jacob, I thought you liked me
Jacob: I do, of course I do
Chloe: well you can't like me that much then
Jacob: chlo
Chloe: no Jacob, I don't want to hear it, were done (Chloe Walks away crying)
Jacob: chlo (Liv walks over to Jacob)
Liv: what's wrong with Chloe?
Jacob: if I tell you, you can't tell anyone, especially gabby
Liv: it depends
Jacob: on what?
Liv: on what your about to tell me
Jacob: me and Chloe went on a date and we kissed
Liv: what's so bad about that?
Jacob: gabby
Liv: ah
Jacob: she likes me too and chlo didn't want her to know about us so when gabby asked me on a date, I said yes
Liv: Jacob your an idiot
Jacob: well what was I supposed to say?
Liv: no maybe. You could of made up an excuse or something or you can tell her that you like someone else, gabby will just have to deal with it
Jacob: alright, I'll tell gabby
Liv: good, you better (Liv walls away)

Chloe is sat in the cafe
Liv Walks In and she sits opposite Chloe
Liv: Jacob told me everything
Chloe: yeah?
Liv: yeah and he's going to tell gabby that he likes someone else
Chloe: but gabby would hate me
Liv: so what? If she really is your friend, she would just accept it
Chloe: I suppose your right, again
Liv: I know, I'm always right (Chloe and Liv laugh)
Chloe: thanks Liv, for being a good mate
Liv: anytime

Jacob walks up to gabby
Gabby: hey. Are you going to the date, dressed like that?
Jacob; I'm not coming
Gabby: what?
Jacob: there's something I need to say
Gabby: go on then
Jacob: I can't go on a date with you because.. because
Gabby: Jacob will you just spit it out?
Jacob: I like someone else okay?
Gabby: what? Who?
Jacob: it doesn't matter
Gabby: it's Chloe isn't it? That's why she was so upset (Jacob nods)
Jacob: yeah, yeah it is
Gabby: I'm going to kill her (gabby walks away)
Jacob: gabby (gabby carries on walking)

Chloe is walking with Liv
Gabby walks over
Gabby: Oi Chloe (Jacob walks over)
Chloe: gabby?
Gabby: why lie?
Chloe: about what?
Gabby: About you and Jacob. You made me look like a right idiot
Chloe: sorry
Gabby: well sorry's not good enough. Why do you get everything? You always get the guys falling at your feet, everyone running around after you, it's like your some stuck up princess
Liv: gabby, stop it
Jacob: yeah, I think you should just leave it
Gabby: no, why should I? She needs telling
Chloe: come on gabby, we're friends
Gabby: no were not, your just a two face slapper and I hate you. Just stay away from me (gabby walks away)
Jacob: just ignore her
Chloe: yeah well I choose my friends any day over any guys. Just leave me alone Jacob (Chloe walks away)
Liv: she doesn't mean it, she's just upset
Jacob: she does mean it. I don't care anymore to be honest
Liv: don't say that
Jacob: I'll see you around (Jacob walks away)

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