Chapter 21 grounded

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Chloe walks into the kitchen
Everyone is sat at the table
Charity: what time do you call this?
Chloe: about 12
Charity: yeah, why are you up so late?
Chloe: It's the summer holidays
Debbie: I was thinking you can come to the garage with me today
Chloe: why?
Debbie: Lets Just call it work experience
Chloe: no way, I said I would go meet Gabby and Leanna
Charity: er no, I don't think so. Your still grounded remember?
Chas: yes, looks like your stuck with us all day
Chloe: this is so un fair. So I'm stuck with her, who cheats on her boyfriend
Debbie: will you just give it a rest?
Charity: don't start on Debbie, this is your own fault
Chloe: fine, let's just get this over with then shell we? I'll just get ready. I'll meet you over there
Debbie: I'm waiting for you, nice try
Chloe: you guys are so annoying, I just want to be left alone (Chloe walks out)

Chloe is all ready
Noah walks over to her
Chloe: hey, I thought you were out
Noah: I was but mum's not going to happy when she finds out about your secret
Chloe: what?
Noah: she'll find out what you've done
Chloe: Noah, I don't know what your talking about
Noah: you know exactly what I'm talking about, you and Jacob
Chloe: how did you find out? Did Jacob tell you? I'm going to kill him
Noah: I heard you on the phone with Jacob. You slept together didn't you?
Chloe: just keep your voice down alright?
Noah: so it is true? Mum is going to be fuming, your 14
Chloe: so? Loads of people my age do it. Mum had debs when she was 13
Noah: well I'm going to tell mum and Cain
Chloe: Noah, please don't, I'll do anything
Noah: alright
Chloe: what do you want?
Noah: some money
Chloe: for what exactly?
Noah: the new video game
Chloe: no way, it's not happening Noah
Noah: then I'll tell mum everything
Chloe: alright, I've only got 20 quid, I'll talk to Jacob and I'll see what I can do. You know, I thought we were closer then that, me and you but your just a brat aren't you? Your exactly like mum, doesn't care about anyone else but yourself (Debbie walks in)
Debbie: get a move on please, we're late (Debbie walks out and Chloe glares at Noah and she walks out)

Chloe is at the garage with Debbie
Chloe is on her phone
Debbie: are you going to help me or what?
Chloe: Nah
Debbie: okay, talk to me
Chloe: about?
Debbie: what's going on Chloe?
Chloe: what do you mean?
Debbie: your not yourself at the moment
Chloe: you just haven't Payed attention, I'm fine
Debbie: look I'm sorry about our argument, we were close before
Chloe: I know
Debbie; am I forgiven then?
Chloe: I suppose
Debbie: you do know that you can talk to me about anything yeah? I'm your big sister, I'll do anything to protect you
Chloe: debs, I'm fine
Debbie: okay, well you know where I am
Chloe: I've got a headache, can I pop to the shop?
Debbie: I'm not so sure
Chloe: please debs, I'll come straight Back, I promise. Mum just doesn't trust me, please
Debbie: alright then but this stays between us, we don't want mum going mad
Chloe: thanks debs, your the best (Chloe walks away)

Chloe walks into David's shop
David: Chloe
Chloe: is Jacob here?
David: yep. Jacob (Jacob walks out)
Jacob: hey, what are you doing here?
Chloe; do you want to go for a walk? I haven't got long though, Debs wants me back at the garage
Jacob: yeah, is that okay dad?
David: yeah, you kids go have fun
Jacob: thanks, see you later (Chloe and Jacob walk out)

Chloe and Jacob are walking
Jacob: I thought you were grounded?
Chloe: I am, they've got me working at the garage like some sort of slave. Debs Saids I can pop out for 5 minutes, but she won't notice if it's a bit longer (they laugh) I just really wanted to see you
Jacob: me too
Chloe: I have to talk to you about something
Jacob: about what?
Chloe: Noah
Jacob: what about Noah?
Chloe: he's being a brat that's what. He knows about us, he heard us on the phone. He wants money or he'll tell mum and dad everything
Jacob: what are we going to do?
Chloe: I don't know, but we're not giving him money. He's my little brother, I don't have to do what he Saids
Jacob: but your parents, they'll kill me
Chloe: don't worry about them Jacob, I'll sort them out. There not going to split us up, I won't let them
Jacob: yeah?
Chloe: yeah (Chloe and Jacob kiss and Cain walks over)
Cain: Chloe (they break apart and they turn to see Cain)
Chloe: dad
Cain: I thought you were grounded
Chloe: well not anymore
Cain: oh really? And what are you doing with him?
Chloe: he's a friend
Cain: who just happen to be kissing?
Chloe: yeah, it just sort of happened didn't it?
Jacob: yeah, I better go home, see you later Chloe (Jacob walks away)
Cain: your in so much trouble, again
Chloe: I always am with you lot
Cain: Chloe, everyone is trying with you but I don't know what's wrong with you, why are you acting like this?
Chloe: I don't know, okay? I really don't
Cain: I get you went through a lot and you want fun but we're just trying to protect you from getting hurt again, we don't want our daughter going off the rails. So come on, I'm taking you home
Chloe: but mum will go mad
Cain: I hate to say it, but you've brought this on yourself. Come on (Cain and Chloe walk home)

Cain and Chloe walk into the back room of the woolpack
Charity and Debbie are sat at the table
Charity: oh, this better be good
Cain: just go easy on her
Charity: no, why should I? Our daughter is out of control and all you can say is go easy on her
Cain: can't you see, she's upset?
Charity: she'll be more then upset when I deal with her?
Debbie: Chloe, I thought you was going to come straight Back, I was worried
Chloe: I know, I'm sorry
Debbie: where were you?
Chloe: I just needed to talk to Jacob
Charity: right well go upstairs and your grounded for another 2 weeks
Cain: I'll see you later
Chloe: no, dad please don't go, you can't leave me with her
Cain: you live here now
Chloe: can't I just stay with you? We can go back to the way it used to be, I don't even care about you being with Harriet (Cain looks at charity)
Cain: I don't think that's a good idea
Chloe: why not?
Cain: your mum wants you here
Chloe: yeah, so she can shout at me
Cain: I'm sorry Chlo, I haven't even asked Harriet, I'll see you tomorrow
Chloe: so I get it, your new life with Harriet is more important then me?
Cain: no, I never said that
Chloe: you didn't have to. Forget you all, I hate you and dad don't bother coming here again and to think, I was ever close to you (Chloe walks out)

Chloe is laying on her bed crying
Noah knocks on the door
Noah walks in
Chloe: what do you want?
Noah: I just came to see if your okay
Chloe: like you care
Noah: I care, your my sister
Chloe: so what was all that about today then? Your just a blackmailing little brat
Noah: I just wanted money, I didn't think about your feelings, maybe, I should of, I'm sorry (Chloe walks over to Noah)
Chloe: just get out
Noah: Chlo, I really am sorry. You should know that your secret is safe with me, no matter what. You and Jacob don't owe me anything, you were right, I was being a brat
Chloe: yeah, well I was kind of mean to you as well. I'm sorry too
Noah: it's okay. Just ignore all of them, we have each other right?
Chloe: yeah, of course (Chloe and Noah hug) love you
Noah: love you too

Comment any suggestions that you may have. I want to thank everyone on all their support on this book :)

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